NewsNews stream RSStemplate-3.3-news-item-testtrue1594966457435ethanpTemplate 3.3 news item test/websites/home/news/current/template-3.3-news-item-testUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/current/template-3.3-news-item-testarowsell1434496093283arowsell1434496093283priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Template 3.3 news item test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut auctor tempus ante. Sed hendrerit, quam auctor consectetur placerat, tortor erat condimentum lorem, ut dignissim est massa in neque. Vestibulum vitae magna sit amet nunc sagittis tempor sed vel augue. Integer vulputate neque sed quam mattis adipiscing. Etiam quis eros ipsum, nec facilisis nunc. Duis quis nibh elit. Nam ultricies bibendum tincidunt. Suspendisse pulvinar odio id mauris ultricies tristique.

Aenean ut nibh leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer felis massa, tincidunt eget aliquet ac, malesuada ac mi. Nulla quis purus non est varius scelerisque. Duis posuere, mi sed sollicitudin convallis, erat ante mattis lectus, vel blandit arcu dui sit amet quam. Ut at facilisis massa. Aenean sed mattis odio.

popular-content-styles-now-available-in-cascadetrue1594966457435ethanpPopular content styles now available in Cascade/websites/home/news/current/popular-content-styles-now-available-in-cascadeUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/current/popular-content-styles-now-available-in-cascadejes1399499028576jes1399499028576priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Popular content styles now available in Cascade for all sites in the new template

May 7, 2014

We have long recommended adding content styles (aka HTML “classes”) to certain types of links.  The most popular are links to:

When the content styles are applied, they make a small grey icon show up letting people know what type of link it is. (See above.)

We have made an update to all Cascade sites in the new template that makes doing this a little bit easier for you. Before, not all the styles were available for everyone and you had to add them by editing the HTML. Now, everyone in the new template has the most popular styles available to them from the drop down class box in the Cascade link editor.

More info: Complete list of all the styles and how to use them.
/websites/home/news/current/news-events-indexowner-nameowner-emailprototypeNopage-stateUnwrittennotesNavigation LevelDefaultUniversity websites 2012news-events-indexindex/websites/home/news/indexNavigation LevelDefaultsite://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/indexUniversity websites 2012indexNewsMore news/websites/home/news/news-rssNavigation LevelUndefinedsite://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/news-rssUniversity websites 2012news-rss
NewsBulleted list RSShistory-site-launchedtrue1587599269625ethanpHistory site launched/websites/home/news/archive/history-site-launchedUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/history-site-launchedjes1402598692483jes1402598840319priorityNavigation LevelDefault

History site launched

History website

June 2014

History has recently relaunched their site in the new template.

A few awesome things to check out:

giving-site-launched-jan2014true1587599269625ethanpgiving-site-launched/websites/home/news/archive/giving-site-launched-jan2014University websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/giving-site-launched-jan2014gagel1391646335840jes1398356011973priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Giving to UVic site launched

In January 2014, the newly redesigned Giving to UVic site launched.

The site, made by UVic's Development Office, makes good use of images and is an important part of the university's portfolio.

summer-session-2014-launchedtrue1587599269625ethanpSummer session 2014 launched/websites/home/news/archive/summer-session-2014-launchedUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/summer-session-2014-launchedjes1392835891059jes1398355984258priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Summer session 2014 launched

February 2014

The Summer Session 2014 site launched on February 14, 2014. This site refresh was headed up by of the Office of the Registrar.

This site has some information about fees, course add/drop dates for the summer session that is not in the regular Academic Calendar.  It also has a listing of courses that are offered this summer. These courses are also listed in the Academic Calendar, but they are not in one easy to find place.  Having a listing of courses offered this summer on page help students with the scheduling.  People who manage academic sites may want to consider adding links to this content, if you haven't already.

Also, you may find it interesting to check out the search and filter widget, which Systems developed. This allows site visitors to look for courses based on faculty, level and keywords.

education-website-launchedtrue1594966457435ethanpEducation website launched/websites/home/news/archive/education-website-launchedUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/education-website-launchedjes1396481684987jes1398355928938priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Education website launched

Screenshot of Education website
March 2014

Education has relaunched in the new template with some navigational changes. Their new site features videos made for each department, which is something to consider for your own area.

government-relations-officer-conference-website-launchedtrue1587599269625ethanpGovernment Relations Officer Conference website launched/websites/home/news/archive/government-relations-officer-conference-website-launchedUniversity websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/government-relations-officer-conference-website-launchedjes1396482054292jes1396482054292priorityNavigation LevelDefault

Government Relations Officer Conference website launched


March 2014

A new website has recently launched for the Government Relations Officers Conference (GRO) 2014. It’s a good example of  a conference site and how the UVic template can work with a small amount of content.
french-site-launched-jan2014true1594966457435ethanpFrench site launched/websites/home/news/archive/french-site-launched-jan2014University websites 2012site://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive/french-site-launched-jan2014jes1390336682012gagel1391646565906priorityNavigation LevelDefault

French site launched

In January 2014, the newly redesigned French site launched.

This site has done really a great job of using engaging photos extensively throughout the site, including some taken by Photo Services and people from their department. They've done an especially great job in the Future Students section.

Like many academic sites, there is a button from the homepage linking to a page about Possible Careers. This is information we know students/parents want to read, so it's great to see that is is so easy to find.

/websites/home/news/archive/archive-news-indexowner-nameowner-emailprototypeNopage-stateUnwrittennotesNavigation LevelDefaultUniversity websites 2012archive-news-indexindex/More news./websites/home/news/archive-news-rssNavigation LevelUndefinedsite://University websites 2012/websites/home/news/archive-news-rssUniversity websites 2012archive-news-rss