Banking and incoming payments

The Banking team oversees the processes for incoming payments, provides assistance regarding the campus event management system, and ensures the accuracy of UVic’s bank accounts.

Incoming payments processed by departments

Many larger faculties and departments manage their own collection of funds.  UVic accepts payment by cash, cheque, debit card and credit card.  Departments are responsible for ensuring that the funds are safeguarded, deposited promptly and recorded accurately.  They are also responsible for designing and implementing procedures for their area and to train their staff.  Further information is available in the cash handling controls and procedures.

A cash float can be requested from Financial Services to facilitate the collection of cash and making change by completing the cash float request form.  The cash float should be securely stored at all times and are not to be used for any other purposes.

Funds collected are recorded on a Daily Cash Report (DCR) and uploaded into FAST as outlined in the daily cash report guide.  To get access to the Journal Voucher (JV) module of FAST used to upload the DCR, complete the financial systems access form available on the Financial Reporting webpage.  The Banking team will create a customized deposit template to assist the department to accurately record their information.  The template will be pre-populated with a code to assist the Banking team in matching up the deposits to the applicable department.  To request a new template or make changes to an existing template, contact the Banking team at

Departments can also decide to collect funds using debit or credit cards.  Refer to the section below on payment card processing for more information.

Supplies used to deposit funds, such as banking deposit forms and bags, can be requested by contacting the Banking team at


Incoming payments processed through Financial Services

Smaller faculties or departments or those that rarely collect funds can process transactions through Financial Services.  Cash or cheques received can be submitted for allocation in FAST and processing using the cash and cheque remittance form.  Financial Services will add the payment to a Daily Cash Report (DCR) and the payment will be reflected in the departmental FAST account indicated on the form.

Please ensure that cash is not sent through the campus mail.  Cash deposits can be dropped off at the reception desk in Financial Services, B wing of Michael Williams Building.

Financial Services also has a portable Moneris payment entry device (PED) that can be loaned out to departments for short-term events to collect debit and credit card payments.  The department is responsible for making the DCR to allocate the payments to the specific FAST account.  To request to borrow the PED, contact


Processing of incoming debit and credit card transactions

General information on accepting debit and credit card payments:

Faculties and departments may want to provide the option to their clients to accept payment by debit or credit card.  UVic has an exclusive contract with Moneris to process all payment card transactions. 

All UVic departments (referred to as merchants) who offer to collect funds by debit or credit card must comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards.  The merchant is also responsible for recording the payments in FAST and absorbing the credit card commission fees, approximately 3% of the payment transaction amount.

UVic currently accepts payments by Interac, Visa, MasterCard, China Union Pay and American Express.  Depending on the merchant set-up, payments can be accepted both in person and on the internet.

Options to collect debit and credit card payments:

Merchants can choose to process debit or credit card payments in any of the following methods:

  • In person – a customer / cardholder uses the payment entry device (PED) and swipes, inserts or taps their card to authorize payment
    • used for in-person purchases such as concession, check-out at a store or food service outlet
  • Online payment – an online payment page can be built specifically for the department with the support of University Systems which allows the cardholder to enter their own card information
    • a customer enters their card information in a secure webpage for purchases such as registration fees, ticket purchases
  • Staff assisted payment – special software is installed on a UVic computer to allow for the department to manually enter the cardholder’s information into the system that was received by phone, fax or mail
    • additional precautions must be taken to ensure that the card information is stored securely and destroyed immediately after use
    • used for special scenarios such as processing alumni donations

A department can also request that Financial Services process a small number of credit card payments or to borrow the loaner PED for short periods of time.  For more information, refer to the section above on payments processed by Financial Services.

Assessing requirements and applying for a new department merchant account:

As each department has unique requirements and operates in a specific way, the particular needs should be assessed prior to completing the application for a new merchant account. 

The new merchant quick guide should be reviewed and the department should determine which payment methods they want to accept.  The department should assess if they have the internal resources to create the daily cash report (DCR) to record the transactions, reconcile their accounts, train staff and comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements.  Additionally, they should confirm that they have sufficient budget to cover the associated costs including set up fees, monthly rental charges and card processing fees.

Once the department confirms that a new merchant account is the best solution, the merchant request for payment card acceptance services application form needs to be completed, authorized and sent to the Banking team at

Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements and training:

PCI requirements are a set of standards and practices to which all organizations that accept debit and credit card payments have to comply.  The requirements relate to the collection, storage and transmission of card data.  Financial Services is required to complete an annual audit to ensure that our certification is maintained.

Each merchant is responsible for ensuring that their system users are properly trained and that PCI requirements are followed within their department. 

Additional information is provided in this PCI resource and the PCI Security Standards Council™ website.


Payments received by direct deposits into UVic bank accounts

UVic accepts a large number of payments directly into the bank accounts each month.  All applications or requests to receive payments by direct deposit are managed either through the Banking team or through Research Accounting so they can be allocated correctly.  To request a direct deposit for research funds, contact  For all other direct deposit requests, contact  Please do not provide out bank account directly to payees.

In order to accurately account for and efficiently code incoming payments, it is recommended that all incoming payments be accounted for by creating an invoice either through the centralized accounts receivable system (FAST AR) or through a pre-approved departmental accounting system.  Please refer to the information on the accounts receivable webpage or contact Accounts Receivable at if you have any questions on how to create an invoice or code an incoming payment.

If an invoice has been generated from FAST AR, ask the payee to include the invoice number (starting with either GR or RA) in a comments or description field included in the direct deposit confirmation email.

If the invoice has not been issued from FAST AR, in order to track and allocate these funds efficiently, the Banking team should be notified in advance of the deposit.  An email can be sent to with the following information:

  • The full FAST account (including the FUND, ORGN, and ACCT) that the funds can be deposited to
  • The amount of the deposit
  • The approximate date that the deposit expected
  • The name of the institution / person / organization / business that will be sending the funds

The Banking team reviews and allocates deposits on a daily basis.  If insufficient information is available to allocate the funds received, they are tracked and the information is posted on the unidentified deposit list.  Contact to identify a transaction on the list or to inquire about other deposits.

Campus event and conference management

Contact the Banking team ( to discuss options for campus event and conference management. For more information, refer to the campus event management webpage on the University Systems website.

General Enquiries

Kiran Sanal

Aura Moyna



Assistant Manager Sharon Kulyk 250-472-5166
Associate Director, Payment & Banking Services Sam Jones 250-472-4497
Director, Payment & Banking Services  Catherine Nightingale 250-721-6174

Mailing address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
PO Box 3040 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3N7  Canada

Courier address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
Michael Williams Building
Room B115
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC V8P 5C2  Canada