Obituary: Norman Ruff, veteran political scientist dies at age 78

(August 21, 2017) - UVic’s Norman Ruff believed in positive change - An editorial piece in the Times Colonist pays respect today to Professor Emeritus Norman Ruff, who passed away this weekend. Included on the same page today are the many tributes to him from interviews and social media including by members of the BC legislature and the press gallery, as well as from the statement yesterday by President Jamies Cassels (and featured on the UVic website).  TC  UVic Ring  

Norman Ruff, UVic professor emeritus and one of BC’s most respected political scientists, died this weekend. He is being remembered in obituaries in the Vancouver SunTimes Colonist, Global News and other news organizations today. Ruff's classes influenced a generation of politicians (many of his students went on to become cabinet ministers, MLAs and senior government staffers) and his commentary shaped decades of media coverage.  Jeremy Wilson, professor emeritus, is quoted in several articles, referring to Ruff's "encyclopedic knowledge" of provincial and national politics.  VSun  TC  Global