Mountain Legacy Project: CBC, CFAX, UVic News

(December 11, 2017) - Historic photos show how Canada's mountains have changed in 150 years

Mountain Legacy Project (Environmental Studies) was featured in Friday’s preview by host Bob McDonald for CBC Radio’s “Quirks and Quarks” in advance of Saturday’s episode and International Mountain Day today. It also earned a spot on the show’s blog. UVic News  

Mary Sanseverino (Emerita, Dept. of Computer Science), as part of the same project, spoke on CBC Radio’s “Daybreak North” and CBC Kelowna about International Mountain Day and her involvement with the project which is led by Eric Higgs (Environmental Studies). (Broadcast links currently not available)

Mary Sanseverino (Computer Science) spoke on CFAX 1070AM yesterday—in advance of International Mountain Day on Dec. 11—about UVic's Mountain Legacy Project, based in the School of Environmental Studies and led by Eric Higgs, which includes 7,000 pairs of repeat photographs depicting changes in western Canada's landscape over the past 150 years.  (Broadcast link not yet availableUVic News  

Eric Higgs (Environmental Studies) and Mary Sanseverino (Emerita, Dept. of Computer Science) spoke to CBC News about their leadership with the Mountain Legacy Project and discussed how the interactive map illustrates the changes to our northern landscapes brought on by climate change.  CBC  UVic News