Bonnie Leadbeater, psychology, youth study

(October 27, 2016) - A unique 10-year longitudinal study, co-authored by UVic and the Vancouver Island Health Authority, reported on a number of youth health indicators including stress as a leading cause of young people turning to alcohol or marijuana. CBC News reported that the BC health minister is worried about the prevalence of "drugged driving." Richard Stanwick, co-author and Island Health's chief medical health office, said, "the study found many young people had complicated reasons for driving high but stress seemed to be a big factor." Bonnie Leadbeater led the study.  CBC  UVic News

Bonnie Leadbeater (Psychology) was interviewed Wednesday by CTV News Vancouver about the 10-year longitudinal study on youth health. Leadbeater will also speak about the study today on CFAX at 5:20 p.m. The study was a joint research project with VIHA.  UVic News  (Link to specific broadcast not available at this time)