Times Colonist interviews Chris Darimont on cougar populations

January 26, 2015 - Cougar populations rebounding on Island - A dozen years ago, cougar numbers on Vancouver Island had plummeted to barely half the total from the mid-1990s. Now, the BC government estimates the population has rebounded to approximately 600 cougars out of 5,150 to 7,000 total in BC. Chris Darimont shared his thoughts in this weekend's Times Colonist for its full-page coverage. TC

Island cougars on losing end of interactions with humans

The Times Colonist included an article on the same page (also picked up online by Vancouver Sun) about it being rare for cougars who come into contact with humans or pets to survive the encounters. Darimont shared his perspective on BC's "broken" system in dealing with human-cougar conflict. TC