frogSAP funded by Compute Canada

Compute Canada has provided 3 years worth of funding valued at $162,111 total towards the development of a frog sequence analysis platform (frogSAP).

This was a joint application from Canadian scientists in British Columbia led by Dr. Caren Helbing at the University of Victoria with Dr. Inanc Birol from the BC Cancer Agency's Genome Sciences Centre and Dr. Fiona Brinkman at Simon Fraser University. frogSAP supports large-scale research projects in genomics-based activities revolving around frog wildlife as an initial step in providing go-to resources for a broad international audience and user-base to evaluate environmental impact of human activities, for conservation efforts, and to support new discoveries aiding human health. The portal/platform will feature useful resources including the first “true frog” genome (Lithobates (Rana) catesbeiana). The goal within the next 4 years is to complete a reference-quality bullfrog genome resource and provide pipelines for using genomics resources by the global research community.