Dr. John Archibald

Dr. John Archibald
Linguistics Professor, SLLC Graduate Advisor
School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
Office: Clearihue D365
Area of expertise

Second language phonology

SLLC Graduate Advisor email:

John Archibald has been a Professor in the Department of Linguistics since 2010. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 2010-2015.  His area of research specialization is second language speech, where he has focused on the role of phonological theory in explaining the properties of second language sound systems. He has probed the acquisition of new features, segments, syllable structure, and stress. Broadly viewed, his research addresses both Plato's Problem (how we come to know what we know based on impoverished input) and Orwell's Problem (how we remain resistant to certain knowledge in the presence of abundant input); both of these constructs are central to understanding L2 speech.

Prior to coming to Victoria, he was Head of the Department of Linguistics and Director of the Language Research Centre at the University of Calgary. His role at the LRC saw him involved with many government policy studies, as well as much outreach work with bilingual schools (teachers, students, parents, psychologists) about aspects of bilingual education. He was the writer of a video on the benefits of bilingualism which was distributed to every school in Alberta. He is a former President of the Canadian Linguistic Association, and has been on adjudication committees for SSHRC and NSF. He has received research grants from SSHRC and from CFI. He is co-editor, with William O'Grady, of Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, and he still enjoys teaching introductory linguistics.

He has been privileged to work with many fine graduate students over the years who have helped to explore the fascinating properties of L2 speech. He looks forward to working with many more.

Visit John Archibald's Home Page for more information about his research.

John Archibald's Faces of UVic Research video

Selected Works

  • Archibald, J. (in press). Phonology in Multilingual Grammars: Representational Complexity and Linguistic Interfaces. Oxford University Press.
  • Archibald, J. (2024). Explaining L3 phonology. Plenary talk at L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. Chuo University, Japan. May.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Differential substitution: A Contrastive Hierarchy account. Frontiers in Language Sciences
  • Cabrelli, J., B. Kabak & J. Archibald, eds. (in progress). Formal Approaches to Multilingual Phonology. Frontiers in Language Sciences.
  • Archibald, J. (in press). Second language phonology. In A. Jardine & P. de Lacy, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, 2nd edition.
  • Archibald, J. (submitted). Phonological uniformity  and the phonological word: Codeswitching, co-phonologies and phases. In M. Young-Scholten, A.  Leung & N. Pavlovskaya, eds. Investigating L2 phonological acquisition for different perspectives, a special issue of Languages.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Differential substitution: A Contrastive Hierarchy account. Paper  presented at the Multilingual Theories and Practices conference. Dublin. April. 
  • Archibald, J. (accepted). A transition theory of L3 segmental phonology: Phonological features and phonetic variation in multilingual grammars. In E. Babatsouli, ed. Multilingual Acquisition and Learning: Towards an Eco-systemic View of Diversity. John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (forthcoming). The place of phonology in the study of multilingual grammars. Invited keynote article, Second Language Research.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Using a Contrastive Hierarchy to formalize structural similarity as I-proximity in L3 phonology. In N. Kolb, N. Mitrofanova, & M. Westergaard, eds. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Spotlight Issue: Structural Similarity across Domains in Third Language Acquisition. Invited. lab.22051.arc.
  • Archibald, J. (in press). ‘And yet it moves’: Finding a place for phonology in the GenSLA cosmos.. In M. Velnic et al., eds. Proceedings of GASLA 16. John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. & X.X. Li (under revision). The second language acquisition of English expletive infixing: universals and complexity at the phonology/morphology interface in multilingual grammars.
  • Archibald, J. and S.-N. Sciban (accepted). Factors influencing global English accent ratings of students in Mandarin bilingual programs. In W. Cai, ed. Festschrift for Shu-ning Sciban. Springer.
  • Archibald, J. & J. Wu (submitted). L3 learning and teaching. In H. Nassaji, ed. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. John Wiley.
  • Deng, J. and J. Archibald (2023).The teaching and learning of T3 tone sandhi: L2- and heritage-learners of Mandarin Chinese in Canadian university classes. W. Cai & R. Wang, eds. International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching 4(1): 76-93.
  • Kim, K. & J. Archibald (2022). The efficacy of lexical stress diacritics on the English comprehensibility and accentedness of Korean speakers. Pedagogical Linguisticshttps://doi.org/10.1075/pl.22001.kim
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Using Jaccard Distance to measure the linguistic I-proximity of phonological inventories in a Contrastive Hierarchy. Paper at the L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. King’s College, London. October. L3WorkshopJaccardDistance
  • Archibald, J. & X.X. Li (2022). The second language acquisition of English expletive infixing: universals and complexity at the phonology/morphology interface in multilingual grammars. Poster at the Mental Lexicon conference. Niagara-on-the-Lake. October. 
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Mix and match: why phonology matches syntax but not morphology in intraword codeswitching. Poster at the Mental Lexicon conference. Niagara-on-the-Lake. October. Draft poster here: 
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Feature dependency and the poverty of the stimulus in the acquisition of L2 German plural allomorphy. In C. Isabelli, T. Leal, & E. Shimanskya, eds. Generative SLA in the age of Minimalism: Features, interfaces, and beyond (Selected proceedings of the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference. John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Phonology in multilingual grammars: Representational complexity and linguistic interfaces. Invited speaker at GASLA XVI. Trondheim Norway. Slides here: ArchibaldGASLA2022Final.
  • Hayter, E. & J. Archibald (2022). Why high-variability phonetic training works: a phonological account. Poster at the Bilingualism Forum, University of Illinois at Chicago. October.
  • Grenon, I., J. Archibald, & C. Sheppard. (2022). Learning sounds through unconscious association. International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. Lund, Sweden.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Special Session Coordinator: Phonological similarity in multilingual acquisition. New Sounds. Barcelona.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Segmental and prosodic evidence for property-by-property transfer in L3 English in Northern Africa. languageshttps://doi.org/10.3390/languages7010028
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Phonological parsing via an integrated I-language: the emergence of property-by-property transfer effects in L3 phonology. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualismhttps://doi-org.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/10.1075/lab.21017.arc
  • Archibald, J., M. Yousefi, & A. Alhemaid (2022). Redeployment of appendices in L2 phonology: Illusory vowels in L1 Persian and Arabic acquisition of English sC initial clusters. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 4(1): 76-108. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmbs.20388.
  • Yuan, Q. & J. Archibald (2022). Modified input training and cue reweighting in second language vowel perceptionFrontiers in Educational Research.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Phonological redeployment and the mapping problem: Cross-linguistic E-similarity is the beginning of the story, not the end. Second Language Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/02676583211066413.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Phonology in the multilingual mind. Canadian Linguistic Association. Plenary talk upon being awarded the National Achievement Prize for 2021.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Speaking and hearing with an accent. Frontiers for Young Minds: Neuroscience. YoungMinds.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Ease and difficulty in L2 phonology: A mini-review. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. ArchibaldEaseDifficulty.
  • Archibald, J., M. O’Brien & A. Sewell, eds. (2021). L2 Phonology Meets L2 Pronunciation. Research Topic collection in Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. E-book downloadable here.
  • Archibald, J. and N. Croteau (2021). Acquisition of L2 Japanese WH questions: Evidence of phonological contiguity and non-shallow structures. Second Language Research 37(4): 649-679. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267658319897786.
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Turtles all the way down: Micro-cues and piecemeal transfer in L3 phonology. Commentary on Westergaard (2020) “Microvariation in multilingual situations: the importance of property-by-property acquisition”. Second Language Researchhttps://doi.org/10.1177/0267658320941036
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Universal architectural properties of complex representations at the L2 phonology/syntax Interface. Invited talk at Newcastle University, UK. October. YouTube Video.
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Probing Escher’s Problem: The grammar of illusory vowels. Cognitive and Brain Sciences group. University of Victoria. November. Slides are here: CABSTalk.
  • Archibald, J. (cancelled). Plenary speaker at PacSLRF (Pacific Second Language Research Forum). Malaysia. Originally scheduled July, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID.
  • O’Grady, W. & J. Archibald, eds. (2020). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, 9th edition. Pearson.
  • Haggins, E. & J. Archibald (2020). Foot recursion in interlanguage grammars: a study on expletive infixing. In M. Li & E. Buiallon, Eds. WPLC, Vol 30 No 1: Proceedings of the 35th annual NorthWest Linguistics Conference. Pp. 31-41. L2Infixing.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Types of evidence and the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis: Commentary on Goad & White’s “Prosodic effects on L2 grammars”. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualismhttp://doi.org/10.1075/lab.19060.arc
  • Stefanich, S., J. Cabrelli, D. Hilderman & J. Archibald (2019). The morphophonology of intraword codeswitching:  Representation & processing. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00054
  • Yuan, Q. & J. Archibald. (2019). The effect of modified input on the perception of a non-native vowel contrast by adult Chinese learners of English. Poster at New Sounds 2019. Tokyo, Japan. YuanArchNewSounds
  • Archibald, J. (2019). A unified model of mono- and bilingual intelligibility: Psycholinguistics meets pedagogy. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 1 (1): 8-31. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmbs.11182.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Assessing Linguistic I-proximity in L3 Phonology. Paper at the Konstanz L3 Workshop. June. KonstanzL3PhonologyFinal.
  • Archibald, J. & G. Libben (2019). Morphological theory and second language acquisitionIn F. Masini & J. Audring, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford University Press. Pp. 522-540.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Determining L3 Phonological Proximity. Poster at Canadian Linguistic Association. L3PhonologicalProximity. June.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Multiple exponence in L2 German plural allomorphy: feature dependency and the poverty of the stimulus. GASLA Nevada. March 2019. 2019GASLA
  • Grenon, I, C. Sheppard & J. Archibald (2019). The effect of discrimination training on Japanese listeners’ perception of the English coda consonants as in ‘rose’ and ‘roads’. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Ames, IA, September 2018 (pp. 127-136). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. 10th Annual PSLLT Proceedings Final Grenon et al.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Learning to perceive a non-native vowel contrast without listening: A first report. International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Grenon, Sheppard, Archibald_ICPhS_2019. Melbourne.
  • Wee, D., I. Grenon, C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Identification and discrimination training yield comparable results for contrasting vowels. International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Wee et al_ICPhS_2019. Melbourne.
  • Law, L.,  I. Grenon, C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Which is better: Identification training or discrimination training for the acquisition of an English coda contrast? International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Law et al_ICPhS_2019_final. Melbourne.
  • Archibald, J. (2018). Intelligibility and Comprehensibility in Real Time: the neuro- and psycholinguistics of L2 spoken word recognition. Poster at Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference. Iowa State University. September, 2018. PSLLT2018Print.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard & J. Archibald (2018). Discrimination training for learning sound contrasts. 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. Aizu, Japan. September. https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/ISAPh_2018/pdfs/09.pdf
  • Archibald, J. (2018). Advanced level phonology. In P. Malovrh & A. Benati, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition. Pp. 241-263.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard, and J. Archibald. (2018).  The Effect of Discrimination Training on Japanese Listeners’ Perception of the English Vowels as in ‘ship’ and ‘sheep’. Japanese Second Language Acquisition conference. June.
  • Archibald, J. & M. Yousefi (2018). The redeployment of marked L1 Persian codas in the acquisition of marked L2 English onsets: Redeployment as a transition theory. Paper presented at ConCALL 3. University of Indiana. March. ConCALLFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Second language phonology at the interfaces: Phonetics, morphology and syntax. Plenary speaker at the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech. Crete. ISMBSFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Second language processing and linguistic theory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Mark Aronoff, General Editor. Oxford University Press. http://linguistics.oxfordre.com/page/recently-published
  • Archibald,J. (2017). Phonological but not Syntactic Contiguity in L2 Japanese WH Questions. Poster at GASLA 2017. Southampton, England.GASLAJapanese2017 Poster
  • Archibald, J. & M. Yousefi (2017). The Redeployment of Persian Coda Structure in the Acquisition of English sC Onset Clusters: Production/Perception Asymmetries in Illusory Vowels. Poster at GASLA 2017. Southampton, England. GASLA Persian Poster
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Transfer, contrastive analysis and interlanguage phonology. In O. Kang, R. Thomson, & J. Murphy, eds. The Routledge Handbook of English Pronunciation.
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Phonology at the Interface: Late Insertion & Spell Out in L2 Morphophonology. Paper presented at New Sounds 2016, Aarhus, Denmark. June. Archibald009
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Phonetic Compression of Minor Phonological Phrases as a Licensor of WH in situ in L2 Japanese: Contiguity Theory in SLA. Poster presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association 2016, Calgary, May. Poster: CLA2016. Proceedings paper: ArchibaldCLA.
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Perceptual illusions and communication strategies: L2 syllable codas and redeployment. SFU Mini-Conference on Pronunciation. SFUWorkshop.
  • O’Grady, W. & J. Archibald, eds. (2016). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, 8th edition. Pearson Education.
  • Archibald, J. (2015). The cognitive neuroscience of interlingual homographs and homophones. Poster at The Science of Words. University of Victoria. October.  ScienceMotsFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2015). Did he say wetwhen or wentContact Magazine.
  • Archibald, J. (2013). Plenary speaker at New Sounds conference at Concordia in Montreal. Reverse Engineering the L1 Filter: Bagging the Elusive Construct of Intake Frequency. NewSounds2013.
  • Archibald, J. (2012). The acquisition of L2 laryngeal features: the processing of robust transitional cues. Poster at the University of York Workshop on Second Language Phonology. July. ArchYorkBWRev.
  • Archibald, J. (2010). Overriding the L1 filter. Keynote speakers at the GALANA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America) conference. Toronto, November.
  • Jackson, S. & J. Archibald. (2010) Phonological representations and perception of L2 contrasts. In M. Wrembel, M. Kul, & K. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, eds. Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010. 161-170. Peter Lang. New Sounds 2010 Poznan_Jackson and Archibald.
  • Archibald, J. (2009). Second language phonology. In Bhatia & Ritchie, eds. Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Emerald Press. Pp. 237-258. ArchHand2009.
  • Archibald, J. (2009). Phonological feature re-assembly and the importance of phonetic cues. Second Language Research 25(2): 231-233.
  • O’Brien, M., C. Shea & J. Archibald, eds. (2007). Proceedings of the 8thGASLA Conference. Cascadilla Press.
  • Archibald, J. (2007). 3,000,000 theories of phonological development. In P. Banski, B. Lukaszewicz & M. Opalinska,, eds. University of Warsaw Press. Pp. 9-26. 2007PhonologicalDevelopment.
  • Archibald, J. (2007). Teaching Implications of L2 Phonology Research. In J. Cummins & C. Davison, eds. Handbook of English Language Teaching. Springer. pp. 811-825. ArchTeaching.
  • Archibald, J. (2005). Second language phonology as redeployment of phonological knowledge. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 50 (1/2/3/4). Pp 285-314. CJL2005.
  • Archibald, J. (2006). Phonology of L2 acquisition In R. Wiese, ed. The Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
  • Archibald, J. (2005). Second language acquisition. In P. Strazny, ed. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn. Pp. 938-940.
  • Archibald, J. (2004). Interfaces in the prosodic hierarchy: New structures and the phonological parser. International Journal of Bilingualism 8(1): 29-50. IJB2004.
  • Archibald, J. (2003). Learning to parse second language consonant clusters. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48(3/4): 149-178. CJL2003
  • Archibald, J. (2003). Charting the L2 learning path. In Lidia Costamangna & Stefania Giannini, eds. La Fonologia Dell’Interlingua (Interlanguage Phonology). Franco Angeli, Milan. Pp. 29-40.
  • Archibald, J. (2002). Models of phonological acquisition. In B. Swierzbin, et al., eds. Selected Proceeding of the Second Language Research Forum 2000. Cascadilla Press.
  • Mah, J. & J. Archibald (2002). The acquisition of L2 length contrasts. Proceedings of the Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference. Cascadilla Press. MahArchibaldGASLA2002.
  • Archibald, J., ed. (2000). Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Blackwell.
  • Archibald, J. & M. Young-Scholten (2000). Second language syllable structure. In J. Archibald, ed. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Blackwell.
  • Archibald, J. & J. Carson (2000). Acquisition of Quebec French stress. In J. Jensen & G. Van Herk, eds. Proceedings of the CLA 2000 University of Ottawa. Pps. 1-12. CLA2000.
  • Archibald, J. (1998). Second Language Phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (1998). Second language phonetics, phonology, and typology. Studies in Second Language AcquisitionSSLA1998.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). The acquisition of English stress by speakers of non-accentual languages: lexical storage versus computation of stress. Linguistics, 35.1. 167-181. [Linguistics] The acquisition of English stress by speakers of nonaccentual languages lexical storage versus computation of stress.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). The acquisition of L2 phrasal stress. In M. Young-Scholten and S.J. Hannah, eds. Focus on Phonological Acquisition. John Benjamins. 1997PhrasalStress.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). Metrical parameters and lexical dependency. In S. Flynn, G. Martohardjono, & W. O’Neil, eds. The Generative Study of Second Language Acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum. LexicalDepend.
  • Archibald, J., E. Guilfoyle, and E. Ritter (1996). Functional categories in L2 acquisition: presence of evidence is not evidence of presence. A response to Epstein, Flynn and Martohardjono, “Second language acquisition: theoretical and experimental issues contemporary research”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: 714-715.
  • Archibald, J., ed. (1995). Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Archibald, J. & G. Libben (1995). Research Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition. Copp Clark.
  • Archibald, J. (1995). Phonological competence. In J. Archibald, ed. Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Archibald, J. (1995). The acquisition of stress. In J. Archibald, ed. Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Archibald, J. (1994). A formal model of learning L2 prosodic phonology. Second Language Research 10.3: 215-240. SLR1994.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). The learnability of English metrical parameters by adult Spanish speakers. International Review of Applied Linguistics XXXI/2: 129-141. 1993IRAL.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). Metrical phonology and the acquisition of L2 stress. In Confluence: Linguistics, L2 Acquisition, and Speech Pathology. F. Eckman, ed. Volume 4 of Language Acquisition and Language Disorders series (William Rutherford & Harald Clahsen, eds.), John Benjamins. Pages 37-48. 1993Confluence.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). Language Learnability and L2 Phonology: The Acquisition of Metrical Parameters. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Archibald, J. (1992). Transfer of L1 parameter settings: some empirical evidence from Polish metrics. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 37 (3): 301-339. 1992PolishStress.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). Language learnability: an overview of the issues. TESL Canada Journal. TCJ1993.
  • Archibald, J. (1992). Adult abilities in L2 speech: evidence from stress. J. Leather and A. James, eds. Proceedings of NewSounds92.

Graduate Supervision


In Progress

Martin Desmarais. Substance-free phonology in L3A. Supervisor, Ph.D. 

Willem Kuun. Acquiring regular and irregular morphology in L3A: Insights from the Tolerance

Principle. Supervisor, MA.

Mitchell Li. L2 to L1 Priming in the bilingual lexicon. Supervisor, MA.

Junyun Wu.  L3 Phonological redeployment: Insights from the Contrastive Hierarchy.

Supervisor, PhD.



Armstrong, Susan. Stress and Weight in Quebec French. M.A.

Atkey, Susan. The Acquisition of Czech Palatal Stops. M.A.

Blair, Leslie. Arabic/English Bilingual Proficiency.  M.A.

Cloutier, Genevieve. Production and Perception Differences in Children with Phonological

Disorders. B.A.

Dypvik, Audny. Bilingual Speech Perception. Ph.D.

Fung, Angus. The Acquisition of English Voicing Contrasts by Cantonese Speakers. B.A.

Gonzales, Antonio. The Acquisition of Yucatec Ejectives by Spanish Speakers. Ph.D.

Hanson, Rebecca. The Acquisition of English Onsets. B.A.

Henderson, Kaley. The Phonology of Autistic Children. B.A.

Hilderman, Dustin. Codeswitching in the Multilingual Mind. M.A.

Jackson, Susan. The L2 acquisition of laryngeal features: the case of English and French

learners of Hindi stops. M.A.

Jesney, Karen. The Acquisition of Chain Shifts in First and Second Language Learners.M.A.

Kasatkin, Julia. The multilingual immigrant population of Calgary. M.A.

Li, Wendan. Topic-Comment Structures and Second Language Acquisition. Ph.D.

Mah, Jennifer. The Acquisition of Phonological Features in a Second Language. M.A.

Mah, Jennifer. L2 Acquisition of Japanese Length Contrasts. B.A.

Moisik, Scott. The L2 Acquisition of Syllabic /r/ in German and English. B.A.

Nolsø., Erla. The L2 Acquisition of Faroese Codas. M. Litt.

Oss-Cech, Maria. . Italian & Spanish Influences on Garcilaso’s Poetry.  Ph.D.

Penford, Jennifer. The L2 Acquisition of Blackfoot Morphology. B.A.

Roberts, Nicole. Substitution in Autistic Phonology. B.A.

Romig, Silas. The production and perception of English vowels by native speakers of Brazilian

Portuguese living in Victoria. MA.

Rossi, Silvia. L’interférence lexicale dans l’acquisition d’une troisième langue: effet langue

seconde ou distance typologique? M.A.

Sagae, Seiko. Sentence Processing and Prosody: A comparison between hearing-loss and

hearing readers. M.A.

Shea, Christine. The L2 Acquisition of Positional Allophones. Ph.D.

Steffanick, A. Epenthesis in Japanese Loanwords and SLA. PhD Candidacy paper.

Summerell, Fumiko. The L2 Acquisition of Japanese Length Contrasts. M.A.

Thompson, Laura. The L2 Acquisition of French Phrasal Stress. B.A.

Vanderweide, Teresa. Cue-Based Learning and the Acquisition of Pre-Vocalic Clusters. Ph.D.

Vanderweide, Teresa. Government Phonology and Principles of L1 Syllabification. M.A.

Weber, Silke. The role of foot structure on the intelligibility of L2 stress errors. Ph.D.