Ten days that shook the world – a café historique

Café historique will resume in Spetmeber - see you then!

Café historique:  a gathering of interesting people in a convivial café setting, to hear and discuss new ideas about  how the past has shaped our present and future, to drink, to eat, to converse, meet and make friends, and have an evening to remember.

The theme:  in almost every decade there is a day or two that changes everything.  Because of the events of these days, the world will never be the same.   Each month in this series of café historique, a different UVic historian will introduce one such day in their area of expertise, the events that led up to it, and the how the events that followed  transformed history and ultimately our world today.   And then we open the floor for discussion and conversation….


Tickets are free but must be presented at the door by 6:40 on the day of the Cafe or they will be released.

Tickets can be reserved at:


We suggest you come earlier to get a good seat. Full food and beverage service is available.

At least 10 tickets will be available on a first come, first serve basis at 5:30. Others may be available at 6:40 if ticket holders have not yet presented their tickets.

More information: www.cafehistorique.ca