Elizabeth Zarpa - Indspire Youth Laureate

Elizabeth Zarpa (JD UVic Law '15) will be speaking at the Indspire Youth Laureates Cross Canada Tour event in Winnipeg on April 27, 2017. She received an Indspire Youth – Inuit award in 2013. She also received the Eloise Spitzer Scholarship (UVic) in 2015.

Indspire received funding from the Canada 150 Fund to showcase the Indspire Youth Laureates Cross Canada Tour in highly interactive panel discussions to be hosted in seven cities – Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Yellowknife. The Laureates will share motivational stories of their childhood, education, challenges and post-graduate success.

Elizabeth is currently working for Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an advocacy organization working to develop and enhance social, cultural, economic, health and environmental situations for the Inuit of Canada while completing her P.hD. at UVic Law.