PhD Fellowship on “Realizing a carbon neutral economy: A new governance framework”


The University of Victoria’s School of Public Administration seeks applications of interest for a PhD fellowship on “Realizing a carbon neutral economy: A new governance framework.” This SSHRC-funded programme of research is being led by Dr. A. Dale of Royal Roads University and supported at UVic by Dr. E. Lindquist and Dr. T. Krawchenko and others. The student will have access to a large interdisciplinary team and its collaboration between two universities. The PhD Fellowship will support a 3 year funded position starting September 2022 at $25,000 per year for three years, plus any additional funding from the School of Public Administration.

Achieving a carbon-neutral economy in Canada by 2050 is both necessary and feasible. The objectives of this programme of research are to: synthesize and adapt scholarly governance frameworks; develop and analyze case studies on responses to the global climate crises; assess Canada's climate actions and sustainability strategies; determine needed governance and institutional capacities; develop a framework for monitoring progress; and mobilize knowledge. The successful candidate will work closely with the research team. Their research in this area could serve as the focus for their PhD dissertation.

Interested students should apply with a cover letter and CV to by February 15, 2022. The deadline for applicants to the School of Public Administration programme (commencing September 2022) is March 25th 2022 (domestic students). Please refer any questions you might have about this opportunity to