Online Fall 2020 Health Information Science Seminar Series

Join us for the School of Health Information Science Fall 2020 Seminar Series. This series will feature International experts in the field of Health Informatics. With the current global changes and demands in health care, optimizing our systems is becoming increasingly important and urgent. This seminar series will focus on how we can use advances in areas like artificial intelligence and data science to improve health outcomes, streamline health care processes and ultimately save lives.

 October 7, Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

      Presenter – Dr. John Chelsom, (Seven Informatics, Oxford, UK) - "Artificial Intelligence Techniques Using Structured Health Research" Poster

 October 14, Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

     Presenter – Dr. Jeremy Wyatt - "Validation of AI System for NHSX"

  October 28, Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

     Presenter – Dr. John H. Holmes, (Professor, Department Biostatics Epidemiology & Informatics, Pens University) - "Explainable AI for the (Not-Always-Expert) Clinical Researcher"

November 6, Friday at 11:00 am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

      Presenter – Dr. Bruce Carleton, (Director, Pharmaceutical Outcomes Programme & Professor of Pediatrics, Medical Genetics, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Population & Public Health at UBC) – “A method for discovery, replication and validation of serious adverse events from drugs:  The Importance of Health Informatics before Bioinformatics Analysis”

November 18, Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

      Presenter – Dr. Andre Kushniruk, (Director, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria) – "The Human Factors of AI in Healthcare: Where are we now and where are we going?"

November 25, Wednesday at 10:00am Pacific Time (Zoom link)

Presenter – Dr. Francis Lau, (Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria) panel discussion  

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