A Clinical Professor and a Surgeon Became a Graduate Student at UVic

news dr alan sobey
Dr. Alan Sobey in his Edmonton home office (Left) and at his workplace (Right) with Alberta Health Services

Dr. Sobey is a graduate student, working towards his master’s degree in Health Informatics at the School of Health Information Science, at UVic. He was on campus last June (2016) for an intensive classroom session with his Health Information Science cohort led by Professor Dr. Francis Lau. “UVic has one of the most established health informatics programs in the world. It’s an excellent program,” says Dr. Sobey, “and the distributed approach to learning just makes it more feasible. In fact, it’s often better than being in a classroom.”
Dr. Alan Sobey is a surgeon and intensive care specialist with Alberta Health Services in Edmonton. In addition, he is an associate clinical professor at the University of Alberta. Dr. Sobey, 55, saw opportunities to do things better within his own work world and wanted to learn new technologies that he could apply on the job to improve patient care. A colleague recommended the Health Information Science's Master's program; after checking it out, Dr. Sobey agreed that this two-year online-distributed program was the right move. “I just wrote my first academic paper in 27 years,” says Dr. Sobey, “so for sure online learning is a less intimidating experience for adult learners.”

To Read more about Dr. Sobey, click here.