Denis Protti

Denis Protti
Professor Emeritus
Health Information Science

BSc (Alberta), MSc (Manitoba), ScD (London), FACMI, IAHSI


Professor Protti was the founding Director of the University of Victoria’s School of Health Information Science in 1981, a position he relinquished in 1994.  He retired from teaching in July 2010.  Prior to joining the University, he held senior information systems executive positions in Manitoba and British Columbia hospitals. He continued to do research, advise and publish in the following areas: National Health Information Management & Technology Strategies, Electronic Health Records, and Evaluating Information Systems until 2016.

Professor Protti was a founding member of COACH - Canada’s Health Informatics organization.  He served as its 2nd President and was granted lifetime member status in 1981.  He was a founding member of the American Medical Informatics Association; in 1989 he was one of the first non-Americans elected a fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics.  He became a lifetime member of the British Computer Society in 2003. He chaired and served on numerous international, federal and provincial committees and councils over his 44-year career.  In 2017, he was elected a founding member of the International Academy of Health Science Informatics.

In 2004, an Endowment Fund was created at the University of Victoria in the name of Denis and Pat Protti by the Partnership & Productivity Colloquium – a group Professor Protti founded in 1984 – for their contributions to Canada’s healthcare system.  Professor Protti has received several awards including the COACH leadership award.  He was also the first recipient of the Canadian Health Leadership Network’s MacNaught-Taillon Award for his contributions to Canadian health care.  In 2012, he was the inaugural recipient of the Techna Health Innovator Award.

Professor Protti wrote hundreds of publications in books and journals and gave even more presentations to a wide range of audiences around the world.   He advised and sat on expert panels for health care organizations and government agencies in both Canada and abroad.    He was chair of the Informing Healthcare’s International Advisory Group for NHS Wales, a member of the TicSalut Scientific Council in Catalonia Spain, and the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Digital Health; he also served as a regular external reviewer for the European Commission.

In 1998, Professor Protti was commissioned by the Her Majesty’s Treasury to review the proposed National Health Service (NHS) Information for Health Strategy for England prior to its release. He later developed the evaluation methodology that was used to monitor the local implementation of their national strategy.  For over 25 years, he was invited annually by the Government and a variety of English organizations to conduct on-site reviews, take part on research teams, give seminars, and comment on the UK’s progress with their Electronic Health Records journey.  In May 2009, he was granted an Honorary Doctor Science from City University London for his contributions to the British health care system.

  • Health Care Information Management & Technology Strategic Planning
  • International Approaches to Electronic Records in Health Care
  • Physician Office EMR systems
  • Chief Information Officers
  • Evaluation of Information Management & Technology in Health Care

Memberships in professional societies

  • American College of Medical Informatics (Fellow)
  • American Medical Informatics Association
  • Association for Information Systems
  • Canadian Organization for Advancement of Computers in Health (COACH)
  • Citation and Life-time Membership

Other appointments

  • Associate Editor in Chief, Electronic Healthcare
  • Associate Editor, Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • Editorial Board, Information Methods in Medicine
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Medical Informatics
  • Editorial Board, Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine

Recent publications

  • Pinciroli F, Protti DJ, Roudsari A and Bonacina S, Smart Card Technology: The Cornerstone of the Application of Health Information Technology in Lombardy in Italy, ElectronicHealthcare, Vol.9 No.3, 2010.
  • Stroetmann K, Artmann J, Stroetmann V, Protti D, Dumortier J, Giest S, Walossek U, Whitehouse D, European countries on their journey towards national eHealth infrastructures - evidence on progress and recommendations for cooperative actions: Final European progress report, European Commission, December 2010.
  • Protti DJ, Review of the ePSOS project, European Commission, Brussels, October 2010.
  • Protti DJ and Bowden T, Electronic Medical Record Adoption in New Zealand Primary Care Physician Offices: A Case Study. Commonwealth Fund, August 2010.
  • Protti DJ and Roudsari A, Information Technology in the British National Health Service: A Valiant Endeavor but a Tarnished History, Canadian Healthcare Technology, Vol. 15, No. 3, April 2010.
  • Protti DJ and Johansen I, Widespread Adoption of Information Technology in Primary Care Physician Offices in Denmark: A Case Study, Commonwealth Fund, March 2010.
  • Protti DJ, Reflections on Global Journeys towards an EHR, British Journal of Health Management, Vol. 16 No. 3, February 2010.
  • Protti DJ, Bowden T, Johansen I, “Adoption of Information Technology in Primary Care Physician Offices in New Zealand and Denmark: Part 5 – Final Comparisons”, Informatics in Primary Care, Volume 17, Number 1, May 2009 , pp. 17-22(6).
  • Protti DJ, Johansen I, Perez-Torres F, “Comparing the Application of Health Information Technology in Primary Care in Denmark and Andalucía Spain”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, April 2009, Vol. 78, Issue 4, pp. 270-283.
  • Fu Paul , Jr., Luck J., Protti DJ. “Information systems in support of public health in high-income countries”, in Oxford Textbook of Public Health (5th edition), eds. Detels, R., et al, Oxford University Press, 2009
  • Protti DJ, Reflections on International EHR Journeys, Healthcare Information Management & Communications Canada; Vol. 23, No. 4, 2009.
  • Protti DJ, Denmark: A World Leader in the Application of Information Technology in Primary Care Improvement, Medical Home News, Vol. 1, No. 10, October 2009.
  • Protti DJ, Integrated Care Needs Integrated Information Management and Technology, Healthcare Quarterly, September 2009.
  • Protti DJ, Horizon Scan – 2009 Predictions, Connecting for Health Newsletter, Department of Health, London, England, March 2009
  • Protti DJ, A Global View of How Health Information Technology Is Being Used, The Commonwealth Fund 2009 International Symposium On Health Care Policy, Washington DC, 2009.

Recent presentations

  • January 2011, “International Lessons about Meaningful Use”, Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Conference, Commonwealth Fund, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
  • October 2010, “Canada’s EHR Journey”, Conference on the international implementation of electronic health records, London, England
  • April 2010, “Quality, Innovation and Productivity: Can They Co-exist in health services?”, HC 2010, Birmingham, England
  • November 2009, “A Global View of Health IT Journeys”, Commonwealth Fund, Washington, DC
  • September 2009, “Update on International Global eHealth Journeys”, Welsh Information Advisory Group, Cardiff Wales
  • September 2009, “Assessing and enhancing the public value of telehealthcare”, Masterclass, Imperial College London
  • September 2009, “Status of eHealth Global Leaders”, Ministry of Health, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • April 2009, “Is the ‘single’ record system a realistic goal?”, City University London, London, England
  • February 2009, “National Health IM/IT Strategies in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore “, with Julia Yinxin Zhu, ITCH 2009, Victoria, BC

Recent advising activities

  • Alberta Medical Association
  • Alliance for Health Reform
  • Canada Health Infoway
  • Canada Institute for Health Information
  • Commonwealth Fund
  • Department of Health, Catalonia, Spain
  • European Commission
  • Office of the Auditor General, Ottawa
  • Welsh Department of Health