Changes to Specializations

Effective September 2017, Software Engineering specializations will no longer be listed in the UVic calendar and will instead be displayed on the BSEng website. This change is to allow for better ongoing alignment between BSEng specializations and areas of strong or emerging industry interest.

The Software Engineering Program Office has also used this opportunity to improve and update their specialization offerings. This updated list of BSEng specializations will be posted to the BSEng website by the end of August 2017.

Students who entered the BSEng program prior to September 2017 are not affected by these changes; the specializations and requirements listed in the UVic calendar for the year each student entered the BSEng program still apply. Current BSEng students are welcome to complete one of the new BSEng specializations if they choose, but they will need to fulfill all requirements for that specialization as listed on the BSEng website.

Questions and concerns can be sent to the Software Engineering Program Coordinator at .