Indenture, 1629
Type: Indenture
Date: 20 August 1629
Language: English
Setting: Legal; Yardley; Lostwithiel?
Shelf Mark: Doc.Eng.3
Location: Shelf 04/04/23b (Acc. 2019-070)
Indenture, 20 August 1629
Physical Features: a single sheet of paper, folded into eighths. Main text in black ink on one side with various notes written on verso. Writing is in a late Elizabethan secretary hand with a distinctly flowing, messy quality, likely the result of an overloaded pen. Lower right corner of the paper is cut and folded in, with a small, red wax seal pressed between this fold and the main sheet. Possibly the personal seal
of William Hanum, as his signature appears partially over top of this feature (suggesting a sort of authentication procedure).
Content: an indenture between Lady Elizabeth Griffin of Yardley and tenant William Hanum, which “endes at Mich(aelmas) 1630” as indicated by a note on the verso of the document. Likely the Lady's copy, as the outside indicates this document to be the “counterparte” of Hanum's. Attested by George Symons.
Measurements: 35mm x 45mm
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