Philip II of Spain, Letter
Type: Letter
Date: 1578
Setting: Court
Produced By/For: King Philip II of Spain
Contents: [unknown]
Shelf Mark: Doc.Brown.9
Location: Brown Collection Box 1 (Acc. 1989-069, Item #10)
Description from Vendor Catalogue (Maggs Catalogue)
Philip II (1527-98), King of Spain; the Husband of Mary Tudor
Letter (in Spanish) signed "Yo El Rey", to the Marques de Ayamonte, Governor of Milan. 1 page folio [283x207 mm] countersigned by Philip's Secretary of State Antonio Perez, and with address, contemporary endorsements and paper seal on the verso [as well as two modern ink stamps by an Italian dealer]. San Lorenco el Real, xxij de Septiembre MDLXXVij. A few small holes caused by ink corrosion, in clear and legible condition with good signatures. Antonio Perez was for many years Philip's closest counsellor and chief minister. He fell from favour and incurred the king's deadly enmity when he fell in love with Philip's mistress the Princess of Eboli, and was forced to flee abroad. He was given asylum in England, where as 'Don Antonio' he became a well-known figure at court and a close friend of Francis Bacon and the Earl of Essex. His relationship with Queen Elizabeth's Jewish physician Roderigo Lopez is believed to have suggested to Shakespeare the character of Shylock's enemy Antonio in 'The Merchant of Venice'.
Transcription* by Emma Fanning, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies class with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), April 2015, is available here.
* Transcription practice follows Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham, Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Ithaca, 2007), pp. 75-77.
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