Pride Month 2023

Test tubes filled with liquid in the colours of the Pride flag

June is Pride Month in Canada, and the Victoria Pride Festival is taking place from June 29 - July 9. We encourage everyone in the Faculty of Science to take this opportunity to celebrate our LGBTQ+ colleagues and students, while also taking time to start the conversation about the barriers that continue to exist for LGBTQ+ folks specifically within STEM.

The statistics indicate we have a lot of work to do…

  • More than 40% of LGBTQ+ identified folks working in STEM fields are not out to their colleagues, according to a 2013 survey (Yoder & Mattheis, 2016).
  • LGBTQ+ students are 7% less likely to be retained in STEM compared to switching to a non-STEM program, and 14% less likely to stay in a STEM major if they have had a research experience (Hughes, 2018).

… because a healthier LGBTQ+ climate cultivates better scientists.

Here in the Faculty of Science, we conducted a series of EDI surveys across departments in early 2023. While analysis of these surveys is still underway and may shed light on the specific barriers that LGBTQ+ students face within our faculty, there are actions we can begin to take now.

We want our LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty to allow themselves to be their true selves, to have a sense of belonging, and to thrive in their classes, departments, and research labs. We are committed to ensuring this work is happening within our Faculty by all its members. Let’s make this vision a reality for all of us.

We invite you to explore the resources, articles, workshops and courses below as you embrace your role in helping yourself and our Faculty to become more equitable and inclusive.

Seeing role models in the field can be an important part of helping LGBTQ+ folks feel like they belong in STEM. Leading up to and throughout the Victoria Pride Festival, we will be featuring historical LGBTQ+ scientists on our social accounts. We would love to also feature LGBTQ+ folks from within the Faculty of Science (faculty, staff and students). Please reach out to if you are interested in participating or would like more information.

Classroom & Curriculum

Building & Finding Community


At UVic

Workshops & Courses