Course suggestions for biology-related careers

A Biology degree can lead to careers in many areas. Here are courses related to:


The following course lists are a suggested set of courses relevant to the respective career paths. Other possible course combinations exist depending on your interests. See also Course planning.  Note that most courses have prerequisites.  Advance planning is required. 

BE AWARE that not all courses are offered in all years. See the UVic Calendar for Biology degree program requirements. Check the timetable for current course scheduling information.


Third Year

BIOL 307 – Chordate Zoology
BIOL 309 – Developmental Biology
BIOL 312 – Entomology
BIOL 321 – Survey of Invertebrates
BIOL 322 – Biology of Marine Invertebrates
BIOL 329 – Biology of the Vertebrates of BC
BIOL 330 – Study Design and Data Analysis
BIOL 335 – Ichthyology
BIOL 345 – Animal Behaviour
BIOL 355 – Evolution
BIOL 360 – Cell Biology
BIOL 365 – Animal Physiology
BIOL 367 – Neurobiology: Molecules to Behaviour

Fourth Year

BIOL 401A – Biotechnology
BIOL 404 – Sensory Biology
BIOL 432 – Molecular Endocrinology
BIOL 448 – Neuroethology
BIOL 467 – Neural Development

Other related courses

BIOC 300A & 300B – General Biochemistry I & II
MICR 303 – Immunology
MICR 402 – Virology
MICR 408 – Microbial Pathogenesis
MRNE 410 – Marine Invertebrate Zoology
MRNE 412 – Biology of Marine Fishes
MRNE 415 – Structure and Function in Animals 
MRNE 440 – Biology of Marine Birds



Third Year

BIOL 307 – Chordate Zoology
BIOL 309 – Developmental Biology
BIOL 360 – Cell Biology
BIOL 361 – Molecular Genetics and Genomics
BIOL 365 – Animal Physiology
BIOL 367 – Neurobiology: Molecules to Behaviour

Fourth Year

BIOL 401A – Biotechnology
BIOL 404 – Sensory Biology
BIOL 409B – Experimental Neurobiology
BIOL 432 – Molecular Endocrinology
BIOL 435 – Molecular Evolution
BIOL 436 – Human Molecular Genetics
BIOL 439 – Molecular Epidemiology
BIOL 447 – Ion Channels and Disease
BIOL 448 – Neuroethology
BIOL 459 – Human Microbial Diseases 
BIOL 465 – The Molecular Basis of Cancer

Other related courses:

BIOC 300A & 300 B – General Biochemistry I & II
BIOL 400 – History of Biology
EPHE 141 – Human Anatomy
EPHE 241 – Introduction to Human Systemic Physiology
EPHE 242– Introduction to Human Cellular Physiology
PHIL 331 – Biomedical Ethics



Third Year

BIOL 307 – Chordate Zoology
BIOL 311 – Biological Oceanography
BIOL 312 – Entomology
BIOL 319 – Marine Ecology (=MRNE 430)
BIOL 321 – Survey of Invertebrates
BIOL 324 – Biology of Land Plants
BIOL 325 – Tree Biology
BIOL 329 – Biology of the Vertebrates of BC
BIOL 330 – Study Design and Data Analysis
BIOL 335 – Ichthyology
BIOL 336 – Biology of Algae
BIOL 345 – Animal Behaviour
BIOL 355 – Evolution
BIOL 370 – Conservation Biology

Fourth Year

BIOL 418 – Plant Ecology
BIOL 438 – Nutrient Cycling & Prokcryotes
BIOL 446 – Advanced Aquatic Ecology
BIOL 449 – Flowering Plant Diversity
BIOL 457 – Paleoecology & Environmental Change
BIOL 461 – Fisheries Ecology and Management
BIOL 462 – Community & Ecosystem
BIOL 466 – Frontiers in Marine Biology
BIOL 468 – Food Web Ecology

Other related courses are offered by the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (MRNE), the Department of Geography (GEOG), and the Schools for Environmental Studies (ES) and Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOS).



Please refer to the Faculty of Education Secondary Post Degree Professional Admission Requirements

Third Year

BIOL 307 – Chordate Zoology
BIOL 312 – Entomology
BIOL 321 – Survey of Invertebrates
BIOL 324 – Biology of Land Plants
BIOL 329 – Biology of the Vertebrates of BC
BIOL 334 – Plants and People
BIOL 336 – Biology of Algae
BIOL 345 – Animal Behaviour
BIOL 351 – The Biology Behind The News
BIOL 355 – Evolution
BIOL 359 – Food, Disease and People
BIOL 365 – Animal Physiology
BIOL 366 – Plant Physiology
BIOL 370 – Conservation Biology

Fourth Year

BIOL 400 – History of Biology
BIOL 438 – Nutrient Cycling & Prokoyotes
BIOL 448 – Neuroethology
BIOL 449 – Flowering Plant Diversity
BIOL 459 – Human Microbial Diseases



The Department of Biology offers a concentration in Forest Biology. Students have the option to declare this concentration, and must complete the courses noted below within the Bachelor of Science, Major and Honours programs. The chosen concentration will appear on students’ transcripts.
The concentration will require a minimum of 7 courses, including a capstone research or field experience, as follows: 
1. BIOL499B credit may be counted toward the Forest Biology Concentration only if the thesis topic is approved by the department.


The Department of Biology offers a concentration in Marine Biology. Students have the option to declare this concentration, and must complete the courses noted below within the Bachelor of Science, Major and Honours programs. The chosen concentration will appear on students’ transcripts.

The concentration will require a minimum of 7 courses as follows:

• One of BIOL 311, EOS 311, MRNE 435;

• One of BIOL 319, MRNE 430;

• One of BIOL 322, 335, MRNE 410, 412;

• Four of BIOL 321, 322, 323, 335, 336, 370, 438, 446, 461, 466, 490D, MRNE 410, 412, 415, 420, 425, 437, 440, 445; MRNE 400, 401, 402 with permission of the department.

Note: Students may count only one of MRNE 400, 401, 402 in the Marine Biology Concentration.



Third Year

BIOL 309 – Developmental Biology
BIOL 326 –  Development & Genetics of Model Plants
BIOL 355 – Evolution
BIOL 360 – Cell Biology
BIOL 361 – Molecular Genetics and Genomics
BIOL 362 – Techniques in Molecular Biology
BIOL 365 – Animal Physiology
BIOL 366 – Plant Physiology

Fourth Year

BIOL 401A – Biotechnology
BIOL 404 – Sensory Biology
BIOL 432 – Molecular Endochrinology
BIOL 435 – Molecular Evolution
BIOL 436 – Human Molecular Genetics
BIOL 437 – DNA Mutation, Repair and Human Health
BIOL 439 – Molecular Epidemiology
BIOL 465 – Molecular Basis of Cancer

Other related courses(please note that most have prerequisites; advance planning is required).

BIOC 300A & 300B – General Biochemistry I & II
BIOC 401 – Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
BIOC 404 – Proteins
CHEM 213 – Practical Spectroscopy
MICR 302 – Molecular Microbiology
MICR 402 – Virology
MICR 405 – Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology
MICR 408 – Microbial Pathogenesis



The Department of Biology offers a concentration in Neurobiology. Students have the option to declare this concentration, and must complete the courses noted below within the Bachelor of Science, Major or Honours programs. The chosen concentration will appear on students' transcripts.

The concentration will require a minimum of 8 courses as follows:

BIOL 365, 367

• Two of BIOL 404, 447, 448, 467

• Four of BIOL 345, 404, 409B, 432, 447, 448, 467, 499B or 490H, MEDS 410, EPHE 380

Note: BIOL 499B credit may be counted toward the Neurobiology Concentration only if the thesis topic is approved by the department.

Recommended: BIOL 360, PSYC 345A, PSYC 451D.



Third Year

BIOL 312 – Entomology
BIOL 324 – Biology of Land Plants
BIOL 325 – Tree Biology
BIOL 326 – Development & Genetics of Model Plants
BIOL 334 – Plants and People (may ONLY be counted as an ELECTIVE for Biology students)
BIOL 336 – Biology of Algae
BIOL 360 – Cell Biology
BIOL 330 – Study Design and Data Analysis
BIOL 366 – Plant Physiology
Fourth Year

BIOL 418 – Plant Ecology
BIOL 438 – Nutrient Cycling & Prokoyotes
BIOL 449 – Flowering Plant Diversity
BIOL 457 – Paleoecology & Environmental Change
BIOL 458 – Plant Biochemistry and Biochemical Ecology
