Extra-Galactic Seminar Series

UVic is hosting a virtual seminar series focused on extra galactic topics. Please click the title for the Zoom link. 

Date/Time Speaker/Institution Title
Jan 21 at 10:00

llani Loubser

North West University

Dynamics & stellar populations of brightest cluster galaxies
Jan 28 at 10:00

Shobita Satyapal

George Mason University

In Search of Tiny Giants: Elusive AGNS in the local Universe
Feb 4 at 10:00

Tim Davis

Cardiff University

Tracing out the darkness with cold gas: dynamically probing galaxy evolution
Feb 8 at 16:00

Luca Cortese

University of Western Austrailia

The connection between structure and star formation cycle in nearby galaxies
Feb 25 at 10:00

Gabriela Canalizo

University of California Riverside

AGN feedback in dwarf galaxies
Mar 4 at 10:00

Adam Leroy

Ohio State

PHANGS- Resolving local galaxies into individual clouds, clusters and HI regions
Mar 18 at 10:00

Desika Narayanan

University of Florida

A universe of dusty galaxies
Mar 22 at 10:00

Gurtina Besla

University of Arizona

The LMC vs. the Milky Way: Challenges and new opportunities for test of CDM theory
Mar 29 at 10:00

Mirka Dessauges-Zavadsky

Geneva Observatory

Do distant galaxies at 1<z<3 form massive star cluster complexes?
Apr 8 at 10:00

Joop Schaye

Leiden University

Simulating the formation of galaxies
Apr 19 at 10:00

Roberto Maiolino


The multiple routes of galaxy transfomation through the cosmic epochs
Apr 26 at 16:00

John Silverman


Massive galaxies and their black holes with Subaru's Hyper Suprime-Ca
May 3 at 10:00

Michele Fumagalli

University of Milano

Shedding light on gas around galaxies across cosmic time