Students, Alumni and Donors Celebrated at Student Awards and Donor Recognition Ceremony

On Friday, January 20, 2012 the Faculty of Law celebrated with students, alumni and donors at the Student Awards and Donor Recognition Reception, which honours the achievements of students and the philanthropy of alumni and friends.

The annual event gives UVic Law students an opportunity to thank donors for providing financial assistance through scholarships, awards and bursaries. UVic Law has over 150 awards available to assist students in pursuing their dream of a legal education.

In her remarks during the reception, Dean Donna Greschner congratulated the students and thanked the donors. She said, "Striving for excellence enriches each student and the community at large. Thank you, students, for your commitment to excellence. Thank you, donors, for encouraging and recognizing the value of excellence."

The formal program included remarks from student recipients Asif Abdulla (2012) and Emily Rathbone (2014) who shared their experiences and expressed their gratitude to attendees for the support from alumni and friends.

The Faculty of Law is grateful for the continued support of our donors and congratulates all students who received awards.