Graduate students

Maryjane Brown

MA student
Research interests: philosophy of mind, action, economics, value, and religion.
Vanessa  Houghton

Interdisciplinary MA student
Research interests: critical animal studies, animal ethics, feminist philosophy, moral psychology, moral philosophy, environmental psychology, ecofeminism, animal law, feminist legal theory.
Denelle Lambert

PhD candidate

Research areas: aesthetics, philosophy of psychedelics, philosophy of science, feminist philosophy, applied ethics.

Supervisor: Dr. James Young

Chris  Maier

PhD student
Research interests: political philosophy, just war theory, military professional ethics
Ryan Tonkin

PhD candidate

Research areas: distributive justice, philosophy of taxation, political philosophy, philosophy of law, applied ethics.

Supervisory committee: Dr. Colin Macleod, Dr. Peter Dietsch (Philosophy) & Dr. Bradley Bryan (Law)

Funding: Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Scholarship; Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Ghada Youssef

MA student
Research interests: aesthetics, moral psychology, ethics