FYI Faculty Forum - February 22nd, 2018

The English Department's FYI (Forum for Your Ideas) invites you to CHANGES TO THE B.C. ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 10-12 CURRICULUM: WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS??

Please join us in a discussion of the new B.C. English Language Arts curriculum for grades 10-12, which provides students with new options for secondary language arts but will also eliminate Literature 12. Needless to say, Enlgish post-secindary programs will be directly affected.

Our speaker and facilitator is Susan Doyle, who was a consultant on several of the foundational documents for the new provincial K-12 curriculum and has worked on several individual curricula.

Come join us at 3:30pm for a great afternoon of free coffee, tea, cookies and discussion in CLE A316!

For more information click here