Dr. Anastasia Mallidou

Dr.  Anastasia  Mallidou
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Office: HSD B236


Area of expertise

Health services research, organizational context, knowledge translation, leadership, health informatics, health policy, healthy aging

Dr. Anastasia Mallidou is a tenured Associate Professor and Associate Director of Graduate Education at University of Victoria (UVic) School of Nursing with more than 25 years of experience in nursing leadership and administration. She joined the School of Nursing as Assistant Professor (limited term) in January 2011 after the completion of her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alberta. She was appointed as tenured-track Assistant Professor in July 2014.  Anastasia teaches research methods in the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Anastasia’s area of expertise is on applied health services research; specifically, on knowledge translation activities such as:

  1. Research literacy, knowledge syntheses, evidence-based practice including health policy for transparency in policy-making, and
  2. Implementation of non-pharmacological treatments (e.g., exercise, music, dancing, social engagement) for healthy aging and well-being.

Anastisia is internationally recognized for her work on research literacy of registered nurses and other healthcare professionals. Recently, her community-based research focuses on community-dwelling older persons and their healthy aging and well-being.

Anastasia received her nursing diploma from the Advanced School of Nursing and Public Health (ASANE-PIKPA) in Athens, Greece; and her Baccalaureate in Science of Nursing from the Faculty of Nursing at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She received a Master’s of Science in Management of Health Services (University of Athens) and a Postgraduate Diploma (Master’s Equivalent) in Health Services Administration from the National School of Public Health & Health Services Administration (ESDY) in Athens, before moving to University of Alberta to complete her doctoral studies and postdoctoral fellowship. 

Before moving to Canada, she served as president elect of the:

  • “Intensive Care Units” group of registered nurses, sponsored by the Hellenic Nurses Association (ESNE), Athens, Greece;
  • Graduate Nursing Students Association in Faculty of Nursing, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; and
  • Penteli Children’s Hospital Employees’ Union representing more than 1,000 members including physicians.

Dr. Mallidou served as a Vice-President in the largest Children’s Hospital “Aghia Sophia” in Greece for four years after receiving her PhD.

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