Residences Lounge Smoke Alarm Installation (Schedule Update)

Park, Ring Road, South Tower, Haig-Brown, Wilson, Poole, Wallace and Tower Residence Lounges

Facilities Management and Belltech Systems will supply and install new smoke alarms in residence lounges with worker access to electrical panel locations.

Park, Ring Road, South Tower and Tower will take approximately 2-3 days per building. Haig-Brown, Wilson, Poole and Wallace will take approximately 1-2 days per
building per schedule below. Work will generally be restricted to the lounge areas and electrical panel locations.

Monday July 10th through Friday August 4th, 2017, 7:30am to 4:00pm (Updated Schedule Attached)

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - Residences Lounge Smoke Alarm Installation (Schedule Update)

Contact/ Organizer name: Kim Frechette, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: