Petch Building - Science Buildings Renewals: Weekly Update of Construction Activities

1. Crane lift of chiller pipe materials from the BWC loading dock onto the Petch roof. A small crane and material truck will be positioned by the BWC loading dock. Access to the loading dock will be maintained throughout. Time Frame: Friday, September 15 from 6:30am to 09:00am.

2. Saw-cutting of the generator well wall needed to expand the generator well outside of PCH 047a, on the north side of Petch. Work will be noisy and take place on evening shift. Time Frame: Monday, September 18 at 6:30pm.

3. Gravel removal from Petch roof has now been rescheduled: Time Frame: Monday, September 18 to Wednesday, September 20, 5:00pm to 1:00am.

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - Petch Building - Science Buildings Renewals: Weekly Update of Construction Activities

Contact/ Organizer name: David Hill, Senior Project Manager or Scott Kingham, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: or