Elliott South Roof Ballast Removal

Elliott Building Main Entrance, East Side

Facilities Management and Universal Sheet Metal will have a vacuum truck set up to the east of the main entrance to remove old ballast from the lab wing roof (see attached sketch). This will be a rather noisy undertaking.

There should be no access to the lab wing roof during this period.

The equipment will be set to the east side of the Elliott main entrance, as shown in the attached sketch. Please ask your people to respect the directions of safety officers and signage during this activity.

Monday and Tuesday, July 31 and August 1, 2017, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. approximately *REVISED* Work is now scheduled to be completed by end of day Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - Elliott South Roof Ballast Removal

Contact/ Organizer name: Rebecca Simmons, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: simmonsr@uvic.ca