Cunningham Building – Scheduled Emergency Power Shutdown-CANCELLED

In order to complete electrical infrastructure upgrades to Cunningham Building, Facilities Management and Kinetic Construction will need to complete a temporary shutdown of the emergency power distribution which affect the entire building. The shutdown has been carefully planned and equipment will be re-fed using temporary feeders or extension cords prior to the shutdown. The data network will be down for the duration of the outage.

On Wednesday, December 6th, 2017, it is recommended that electronic equipment, such as personal computers, facsimile machines, electronic and laboratory equipment be unplugged from power receptacles to avoid the risk of damage that could result from voltage fluctuations which may occur during this work.

Please DO NOT unplug any telephone sets.

Wednesday December 6, 2017 – 6:30 PM – 12:30 AM

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - CANCELLED

Contact/ Organizer name: David Hill, Senior Project Manager or Scott Kingham, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: or