CARSA Building, A Wing - Notice of Power Shutdown

As part of the CanAssist Shell Space Development Project, building power will be temporarily shut down to the A Wing of the CARSA building. The work is scheduled to take place outside of normal operational hours (see Time Frame below). The existing life safety generator will operate during this time.

Within A Wing, it is recommended that electronic equipment, such as personal computers, fax machines and laboratory equipment be unplugged from power receptacles and shut down by 10:45 pm, December 14, 2017 to avoid the risk of damage that could result from voltage fluctuations which may occur during this work. Please DO NOT unplug any telephone sets.

Thursday, December 14, 2017 11:00 pm, through 5:00 am, Friday, December 15, 2017

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - CARSA Building, A Wing - Notice of Power Shutdown

Contact/ Organizer name: Scott Kingham, Project Manager on behalf of Nazir Jessa

Secondary contact: Brent Manness, Manager, UVIC Electrical

Third contact: Lorne Mack, Associate Director, FMGT

Contact/ Organizer email: / /