Renowned sociologist Dorothy Smith appointed to the Order of Canada

One of Canada’s most highly regarded sociologists, UVic adjunct professor Dorothy E. Smith, has been named member of the Order of Canada. The appointment, announced by Governor-General Julie Payette on Thursday, is one of country's highest civilian honours.

Recognized as the founder of the sociological sub-disciplines of feminist standpoint theory and institutional ethnology, Dorothy Smith authored several highly cited books including The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology and Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge.

"Dorothy Smith is an amazing scholar and a wonderful person," says UVic sociologist Garry Gray. "Her boundary-pushing work has provided inspiration to researchers across many different fields in academia. She is also a kind soul and a wonderful mentor to many of us here at UVic. A well-deserved award!"

Smith is among 83 Canadians who will receive the Order of Canada this year.