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Amy Verdun

Professor, FRSC

Political Science

Office: DTB A337 250-721-7491
PhD (1995) (European Univ. Inst.)
Area of expertise:
Comparative politics, European integration, political economy

Office hours

Fall 2024 office hours: by appointment


  • European integration studies
  • comparative politics
  • governance
  • international political economy
  • international relations

About Dr. Verdun

Amy Verdun is Professor of Political Science at University of Victoria. Dr. Verdun holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute (EUI) Florence, Italy (1995). She held a short-term appointment at the University of Leiden (1991-92) and postdoctoral positions at the University of Essex (1995-96) and the EUI (1997). She has been a faculty member at UVic since 1997. She received the Research Excellence Award in Social Science in April 2023. From 2018-20, she served as Professor of European Politics and Political Economy at Leiden University, Netherlands.

She was the founding director of the European Studies Program and served in that role from 1997-2005. In July 2017 she was awarded the first Distinguished Lansdowne Fellow of UVic’s Faculty of Social Sciences, a position given to an established researcher in recognition of outstanding, internationally recognized contributions to scholarship in their area of expertise. In 2018 she received a ‘Teaching Excellence Award’ from the European Community Studies Association-Canada. In 2023 she was elected Fellow in the Royal Society of Canada.

She is the recipient of numerous SSHRC Insight and Connection Grants, and Jean Monnet grants including from 2018-22 the EUROSEM Research Project (Jean Monnet Network Grant from the European Commission).

Dr. Verdun has published in scholarly journals such as Acta PoliticaBritish Journal of Politics and International Relations, Canadian Public Administration, European Political Science, European Union PoliticsInternational Studies ReviewJCMS: Journal of Common Market StudiesJournal of European IntegrationJournal of European Public PolicyJournal of Public PolicyReview of International Political Economy, West European Politics and World Politics. Her most recent book is European Union Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective second edition, co-edited with Achim Hurrelmann and Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Toronto Press 2023).

She has served in various capacities in professional associations. She is an Executive Committee member of the European Consortium of Political Research (2021-27), serving currently as its Vice-Chair (2024-27). She served for many years on the steering committee of the European Consortium for Political Research Standing Group on the EU (ECPR SGEU), including serving as its chair from 2013-15. She was the chair of the Dutch Political Science Association from 2018-22.

Google Scholar site

Curriculum vitae


Dr. Verdun teaches courses on comparative politics and in European politics.

Teaching 2024-25

Fall 2024: 

Spring 2025: 

  • No teaching
Courses previously taught:
  • EUS 300: European Integration
  • POLI 210: Comparative Politics
  • POLI 211: European Integration and the EU
  • POLI 311: Governments and Politics in Europe
  • POLI 321: Research Methods in Political Science
  • POLI 344: International Political Economy
  • POLI 414/514: Seminar in European Politics
  • POLI 490: Directed Readings "EU Actions Against Russia - the Role of Sanctions"
  • POLI 505/605: Problems of Political Analysis
  • POLI 508/608: Comparative Politics

Selected publications



  • European Union Governance and Policy-Making, Second Edition: A Canadian Perspective (second edition) co-edited with Achim Hurrelmann and Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Link


  • Economic and Monetary Union at Twenty: A stocktaking of a tumultuous second decade. Routledge (reprint of a Special Issue of Journal of European Integration (co-edited with David Howarth), volume 42(3) 10 articles, approximately 200 pages.


  • European Union Governance and Policy Making: A Canadian Perspective edited by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, Achim Hurrelmann and Amy Verdun. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


  • Political Leadership in the European Union, co-edited with Ingeborg Tömmel London: Routledge (reprint of the Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration Vol 39(2).




  • "Understanding the OECD through the lens of International Political Economy" chapter co-authored with Alice Chessé in Fabrizio De Francesco & Claudio Radaelli (eds) Elgar Companion to the OECD, London: Edward Elgar, pp. 23-37. Link.
  • "Theorizing Economic and Monetary Union–between concepts and pragmatism" in Dariusz Adamski, Fabian Amtenbrink and Jakob de Haan (eds) The Cambridge Handbook on European Monetary, Economic and Financial Market Integration, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-50 DOI 10.1017/9781009364706.004.
  • "The Euro Area crisis: from pre-history to aftermath" in Mathieu Segers & Steven van Hecke (eds) The Cambridge History of the European Union, Cambridge University Press, pp. 308-338 DOI: 10.1017/9781108781480.012. Link.
  • "Brexit and Europe’s political economy'. In John Erik Fossum and Christopher Lord (ds) Handbook on the European Union and Brexit,  Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 104-119.
  • "Still an asymmetrical EMU? Closing the gap between the “E” and “M” in EMU" in  Annette Bongardt and Francisco Torres (eds) The Political Economy of Europe’s Future and Identity. Integration in crisis mode. Florence: EUI Press and Lisbon UCP Press, pp. 136-148. Link


  • "Are (some) social players entering European recovery through the Semester back door" (with Bart Vanhercke). In Social Policy in the European Union: the state of play 2021. Re-emerging social ambitions as the EU recovers from the pandemic edited by Bart Vanhercke and Slavina Spasova (in English and in French), chapter 5, pp. 103-126.
  • "Women's Leadership in the European Central Bank' chapter 16 in Henriette Müller and Ingeborg Tömmel (eds) Women and Leadership in the European Union, Oxford: OUP.
  • "Differentiation and the European Central Bank" (with Daniel F. Schulz) in Benjamin Leruth, Stefan Gänzle and Jarle Trondal (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, London: Routledge, pp. 200-214, DOI: DOI: 10.4324/9780429054136-15.
  • "Economic and Monetary Union" in Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano (eds) European Union Politics, 7th edition, Oxford: OUP, May.


  • "Canada-EU and Europe Relations," chapter 30 in Robert W. Murray and Paul Gecelovsky (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Canada in International Affairs, Palgrave, pp. 683-703.
  • "European Economic Governance: Past, Present and Future" in Chad Damro, Elke Heins and Drew Scott (eds) European Futures: Challenges and Crossroads for the European Union of 2050, London: Routledge (Advances in European Politics series), chapter 3, pp. 37-57.
  • "The EU-Canada Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities," chapter 6 in Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira and Michael Smith (eds) The European Union’s Strategic Partnerships: Global Diplomacy in a Complex and Contested World, London: Routledge, pp. 121-148.


  • "The Implications of Brexit for the Future of Europe" by Michelle Cini and Amy Verdun in Benjamin Martill and Uta Staiger (eds) Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe London: CL Press, pp. 63-71.


  • "The European Union and the Global Political Economy" in International Relations and the European Union, Chris Hill, Michael Smith and Sophie Vanhoonacker (eds) Oxford: OUP, Chapter 11, pp. 236-262.


  • "Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty", with Madeleine Hosli, Amie Kreppel, Bela Plechanavová, and Amy Verdun, in Madeleine Hosli, Amie Kreppel, Bela Plechanavová, and Amy Verdun (eds) Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty London: Routledge, pp. (reprinted from West European Politics)
  • "Decision-Making before and after the Lisbon: The Impact of Changes in Decision-Making Rules", in Madeleine Hosli, Amie Kreppel, Bela Plechanavová, and Amy Verdun (eds) Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty London: Routledge, pp. (reprinted from West European Politics).
  • "Economic and Monetary Union", Chapter 21 of a student textbook European Union Politics (5th edition) edited by Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solórzano Borragán, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 295-307.



  • "The increasing geoeconomic usage of the Single Market for financial services" (with Lucia Quaglia), EconPol Forum, ISSN 2752-1184, CESifo GmbH, Munich, Vol. 24, Iss. 5, pp. 23-27.  (Available at: Link

  • "The European Central Bank, the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the COVID-19 related economic crisis: a neofunctionalist analysis," Journal of European Integration, 45(1): 139-156. DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2022.2155640

  • "Weaponization of Finance: The Role of European Central Banks in Financial Sanctions Against Russia" (Lucia Quaglia); West European Politics 46(5): 872-895. DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2155906
  • "The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Union: politics, policies and institutions," (with Lucia Quaglia) Journal of European Public Policy, 30(4): 599-611. DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2022.2141305
  • "Explaining the response of the ECB to the Covid-19 related economic crisis: inter-crisis and intra-crisis learning" (with Lucia Quaglia) Journal of European Public Policy, 30(4): 635-654. DOI 10.1080/13501763.2022.2141300
  • Special Issue "The COVID-19 Pandemic and the European Union" co-guest editor (with Lucia Quaglia) Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 30 No 4 with nine articles.


  • "The Greatest of the Small? The Netherlands, the New Hanseatic League and the Frugal Four," German Politics, 31(2): 302-322.


  • "The European Semester as Goldilocks: Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and the Recovery and Resilience Facility" (co-authored with Bart Vanhercke), JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 60 No 1, pp 204-223.
  • "An Introduction: ‘Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Domestic Politics: Policy Coordination in the EU from the European Semester to the Covid-19 Crisis," (co-authored with Valerie D’Erman). JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 60 No 1, pp 3-20.
  • "The European Semester in the North and in the South: Domestic Politics and the Salience of EU-Induced Wage Reform in Different Growth Models" co-authored with Valerie D’Erman, Daniel Schulz and Dennis Zagermann, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13274, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 60, No 1.
  • Guest Editor (with Valerie D’Erman as second editor) of JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, entitled "Macroeconomic policy coordination and domestic politics: Policy coordination in the EU from the European Semester to the Covid-19 Crisis". Introduction and eleven articles.




  • "Institutional Architecture of the Euro Area" JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol 56, (S1): 74-84.
  • Guest co-editors of a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 25 No 2, pp. 137-286 "The European Semester as a New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance in Theory and Practice" with Jonathan Zeitlin as first editor, with seven papers and an introduction.
  • "Introduction: Integration Through Crises" with Valerie D’Erman Review of European and Russian Affairs Vol 12, No 1, pp. 1-16.
  • "Strengthening the European Commission's Budgetary and Economic Surveillance Capacity Since Greece and the Euro Area Crisis: A Study of Five Directorates-General" (with James D. Savage) Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 23(1): 101-118.


  • Special Issue of Review of European and Russian Affairs Vol 12, No 1 'Crises of the EU and their Impact on European Integration'.
  • Special Issue on 'External images of the EU: Energy power Across the Globe', Comparative European Politics.
  • 'Political Leadership in the European Union' guest co-editors, with Ingeborg Tömmel of a Special Issue of Journal of European Integration.
  • 'Introduction: The European Semester as a New Architecture of EU Socio-Economic Governance in Theory and Practice' with Jonathan Zeitlin Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 25 No 2: 137-148.
  • 'Political Leadership of the European Central Bank' Journal of European Integration 39(2): 207-221.
  • 'Political Leadership in the European Union: An Introduction' with Ingeborg Tömmel Journal of European Integration, Vol 39, Issue 2, pp. 103-112.
  • 'Russia and EU cooperation in energy policy – Sending and receiving messages?' Comparative European Politics, Vol 15(1): 45-63 (with Anastasia Chebakova, Olga Gulyaeva and Tatsiana Shaban).
  • 'The European Union and the Global Political Economy' in International Relations and the European Union, edited by Chris Hill, Michael Smith and Sophie Vanhoonacker (eds) Oxford: OUP, Chapter 11, pp. 236-262.


  • "Strengthening the European Commission's Budgetary and Economic Surveillance Capacity Since Greece and the Euro Area Crisis: A Study of Five Directorates-General", (with James D. Savage) Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 23(1): 101-118; DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2015.1041417.
  • "Euro adoption in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland: Laggards by default and laggards by choice", (with Assem Dandashly) Comparative European Politics, DOI: 10.1057/cep.2015.46.
  • Guest editor of a Special Issue (with Natalia Chaban and Michèle Knodt) on "External images of the EU: Energy power Across the Globe", Comparative European Politics, forthcoming.
  • "Introduction: 'Talking with' not 'talking at'? Perceptions of the EU as a global normative energy actor in the eyes of BRICS and EU 'Big 3'" Comparative European Politics, (with Natalia Chaban and Michèle Knodt).


  • "A Historical Institutionalist Explanation of the EU's Responses to the Euro Area Financial Crisis", Journal of European Public Policy, Vol 22, No 2, pp. 219-237. DOI:10.1080/13501763.2014.994023.
  • "Boarding the euro plane: euro adoption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia", Review of European and Russian Studies,  ISSN 1718-4835, Vol 9, No 2, pp. 1-26.

Selected conferences and workshops


  • 'The Weaponization of Finance: The Role of European Central Banks in Financial Sanctions Against Russia', Paper delivered at 18th Biennial EUSA Conference 4-6 May, Pittsburgh PA; also presented at U of Luxembourg 'Ditching the Maastricht Model? The Evolving Role of the ECB in the EMU' on 24–25 November; and in the EU Governance Seminar, Leiden University, 11 October.
  • 'The shift of economic thinking at the European Central Bank: from the Bundesbank to the Federal Reserve?' (with Lucia Quaglia), Paper delivered at workshop "Whatever it Takes: the ECB@25", 24-25 February, University of Florida, Gainesville.
  • 'The geopolitics of the single market for financial services', Presentation at Institute for European Studies, Cornell University, 22 February.


  • 'NGEU, the European Semester and structural reforms’, presentation at the opening of the REBUILD Centre of Excellence, Brexit Institute, Dublin, 24 February, YouTube video.
  • 'The European Central Bank and the Single Supervisory Mechanism at the test of the Covid-19 related economic crisis’ (with Lucia Quaglia), Paper delivered at the workshop on Banking Union, University of Luxembourg, 12-13 May.
  • Organised a panel on ‘The EU response to the Russian invasion into Ukraine: political, cultural, religious and historical perspectives’, UVic, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, 3 May.
  • ‘The Well-being of Bangladeshi Migrants in Italy’ presentation at the CSRS, 27 January
  • 'Health and Well-being of Bangladeshi Migrants in Italy’ (with Gianni Betti), Paper prepared for delivery at the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre, EUI, 29 November. 
  • ‘Explaining the response of the ECB to the Covid-19 related economic crisis: inter-crisis and intra-crisis learning’ with Lucia Quaglia, paper presented at the ISA convention (online) in Nashville, 28 March; also presented at the EUSA in Florida May 2022; and at the APSA in September 
  • ‘Bangladeshi migrants in Italy’ presentation at the Dutch political Science association (politicologen etmaal) 16-18 June.
  • ‘The European Central Bank and the Single Supervisory Mechanism at the test of the Covid-19 related economic crisis’ (with Lucia Quaglia), Paper delivered at workshop on Banking Union, U of Luxembourg, 12-13 May.


  • 'The COVID-19 Pandemic and the European Union co-organised with Lucia Quaglia a workshop hosted by the Robert Schuman Centre of the EUI in Florence, 9-10 December.
  • 'Differentiation and the European Central Bank: a bulwark against (differentiated) disintegration?' Paper delivered at (ECSA-C), in the panel "EMU in its third decade", 22-26 September.
  • 'The European Semester in the North and in the South: Domestic politics and the salience of EU-induced wage reform in different varieties of capitalism', Paper delivered at the Workshop EMU at a Crossroads? Economic Governance Reforms in the European Union 14-15 July, Organised by Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE (Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe).
  • 'The European Semester in the North and in the South: Domestic politics and the salience of EU-induced wage reform in different varieties of capitalism', Paper delivered at 3-4 June, 2021, Workshop 11: #11 - The Politics and Economics of EU Macroeconomic Policy Coordination: Politicologenetmaal Annual Political Science Workshops of the Low Countries, from the European Semester to the RRF.


  • 'EU-Canada Strategic Partnership: Ups and Downs' paper presented at the International Workshop Jean Monnet Network EU-Canada Relations: The EU and Canada in Dialogue "New Opportunities for the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership", workshop at the at the TU Darmstadt, 8 November.
  • 'Is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention?' paper co-authored by Jörg Haas, Daniel Schulz, Valerie D‘Erman, Amy Verdun Conference "The €uro@20: the European Semester and Eurozone Governance", Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 May.
  • 'Is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention?' paper co-authored by Jörg Haas, Daniel Schulz, Valerie D‘Erman, Amy Verdun presented at the EUSA Conference Denver, 9-11 May.
  • 'The Future of EMU: An Assessment of Past and Current Plans' paper presented at the conference European Futures Conference, Celebrating 50 years of Europa Institute, U of Edinburgh, 10-11 April.


  • Workshop "EMU at Twenty", EUROSEM conference and Institute of Political Science Leiden U, Leiden and The Hague 15-17 November.


  • Co-organised (with Ingeborg Tömmel) an open roundtable discussion at the U of Osnabrück, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies. "Leadership and Crisis in the EU: zu viel oder zu wenig Führung?" ("Leadership and Crisis in the EU: to much or to little leadership?"). 13 June.
  • Co-organised (with Michelle Cini and the ECPR-SGEU local organisers) the 2016 JCMS Annual lecture delivered by Sandra Lavenex (University of Geneva) on EU’s asylum and refugee policy, at the 8th Pan-European Conference on the EU organized by the ECPR Standing Group on the EU (ECPR-SGEU). U of Trento, Italy, 16-18 June.


  • Co-organised (with Michelle Cini) the 2015 JCMS Annual Lecture with Brussels based policy think tank Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), in the margins of the Ideaslab. Lecture delivered by Chen Zhimin, Dean Jean Monnet Professor School of IR and Public Affairs, Fudan University, entitled "The EU, China and World Order" 27 February.
  • Discussant for "Closing BA Seminar Conference Comparative Regionalism". BA International Studies, Leiden University, 13 May.
  • Co-organised (with Ingeborg Tömmel) the workshop "Political Leadership in the EU", University of Osnabrück, 20-21 November.
  • Co-organised (with Madeleine Hosli) "European Union Decision-Making and Challenges to Economic and Financial Governance ­ Part 2". NIAS, Wassenaar 8-9 December.
  • Co-organised (with Jonathan Zeitlin) the workshop "Socio-Economic Governance in the EU since the Crisis: The European Semester in Theory and Practice". U of Amsterdam, 11-12 December.


  • Co-organized (with Donna Wood) a UVic Canada-EU workshop series, "Opening Up Canadian Federalism the European Way". With the assistance of the UVic, the European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE), the Department of Political Science, and the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue (CETD), these workshops brought together academic researchers, social policy practitioners from government and NGOs, experts, and the interested public to disseminate and discuss the findings of a 3-year research project comparing Canadian and European Union (EU) approaches to governing social policy. Workshops held in Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Toronto.
  • Co-organised "The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA): Implications for British Columbia". Conference hosted by UVic’s European Union Centre of Excellence. Also Chair of "Session 1: Creating the CETA". Victoria 5-6 May.


  • Co-organised dissemination event at the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) for our special issue of Canadian Public Administration, 4-6 June.
  • Co-organised (with Assem Dandashly) a panel "Domestic and European Responses to the Euro Crisis: Lessons For Governance" at the 20th International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam. June.
  • Co-organised (with Assem Dandashly) a panelnheld at the ECSA-C on "Central and East European Countries and the Euro Crisis: Effects, Reactions and Lessons", Montreal, May.


  • Co-convenor and session chair of the DEUBAL Meeting in Brussels, 5 June.
  • Organiser of "Summer Workshop: Challenges Facing the EU Today". UVic. 10 August.
  • Co-organiser of JCMS Sponsored Lecture by Michelle Pace "EU Democracy Support in the Newly Emerging Middle East and North Africa", 6th Pan-European ECPR SGEU Conference on EU Politics, University of Tampere. Finland, 13-15 September.
  • Co-organised (and co-chaired with Michelle Cini) a panel "Fifty Years of JCMS: Charting the evolution of research on European integration". Held at the 42nd annual UACES conference, Passau, Germany, 3-5 September.


  • Convenor and Chair of a Panel: Lunchtime Roundtable, "Getting Published: a conversation with Journal Editors" 12th Biennial International EUSA Conference, Boston, March 3-5.
  • Co-organiser of JCMS Sponsored Lecture by Gary Marks "Europe and its Empires from Rome to the European Union", 12th Biennial International EUSA Conference, Boston, March 3-5.
  • Co-organiser of conference "Comparing Modes of Governance in Canada and the European Union: Social Policy Engagement across Complex Multilevel Systems", UVic, 14-15 October.