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Congrats to POLI Undergrad students, winners of Above and Beyond Award

April 22, 2024

Congratulations to POLI undergraduate students, Q Roxas and George Cade, on their nominations for the Above and Beyond Award!

George Cade
As an undergraduate student in Political Science, George has gone above and beyond as President of the UVic UNICEF club by organizing a toy drive for Ukrainian refugees in Victoria, which gathered $4,500 worth of toys to be donated to 40 families as well as partnering with the Victoria Women's Transition House Society to create self-care packages for teens affected by domestic violence and abuse. One nominator noted, "George has also made a significant impact on the campus community by fostering a club environment that is inclusive and is a space for all" and is committed to "bettering the community and campus culture at UVic."

Cleo Philp
As an undergraduate student in Political Science, Cleo has gone above and beyond in her leadership service on the UVSS Board of Directors. A fellow student noted, "she advocates passionately for better housing for students and works tirelessly to make sure that students feel safe on campus."

Q  Roxas
As an undergraduate student in Political Science, Q has gone above and beyond in leadership and service with the Political Science Course Union. A fellow student noted, "Our Political Science Course Union members unilaterally recognize that Q Roxas has dedicated an invaluable amount of time and energy towards progressing the Union so that it continues to serve our undergraduate students."