CIHR announced funding for 11 teams to study population and public health equity

CIHR announced funding for 11 teams to study population and public health equity

You will find the full press release on the Canadian Institutes of Health Research website at

This funding will enable researchers to:

  • Determine which programs and policies improved overall outcomes and narrowed or widened the gap in inequity of Manitoba's children, Dr. Patricia Martens, University of Manitoba;
  • Develop, implement and evaluate HIV prevention interventions and sexual and reproductive health promotion activities with female sex workers in Benin, Dr. Michel Alary, Université Laval;
  • Generate new evidence about how to improve health equity for people whose lives and health are affected by poverty, social exclusion, and discrimination; Dr. Annette Browne, University of British Columbia;
  • Determine how policies aimed at reducing poverty and gender inequality in high and low income countries impact major causes of illness and death in infants, children and women under 50; Dr. Sally Heymann, McGill University;
  • Generate new knowledge and action related to addressing inequities through examination of selected core public health programs in British Columbia, Dr. Bernadette Pauly, University of Victoria;
  • Produce evidence and host a knowledge translation forum about the effects of public health interventions aimed at reducing social health inequities, Dr. Louise Potvin, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal;
  • Evaluate community interventions potentially favorable to health equity in Burkina Faso through a demographic surveillance system, Dr. Valery Riddle, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal;
  • Develop policies and programs that protect health by connecting people involved in the production and consumption of food with decision-makers in Ecuador and Canada, Dr. Jerry Spiegel, University of British-Columbia;
  • Identify viable policy interventions to reduce household food insecurity in Canada, Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, University of Toronto;
  • Investigate the ethical foundations of population health interventions to address the social determinants of health, Dr. Daniel Weinstock, Université de Montréal; and,
  • Address research gaps and promote health equity by tackling the needs of health workers in low and middle income countries, Dr. Annalee Yassi, University of British-Columbia
Contact: Kathleen Perkin