Keynote Presentation with Dr Romola Sanyal

May 17, 2017
07:30 PM - 09:00 PM
David Lam Auditorium

Dr. Romola Sanyal, 

Assistant Professor in Urban Geography, London School of Economics

17 May - 7:30pm
David Lam Auditorium 
CARFMS Keynote Presentation 

Open to the public - no registration required for keynote presentations
Making Lives Invisible: Managing Refugees outside the West

The Syrian Crisis has brought into sharp focus the politics of refugee control and management particularly around the borders of Western countries. Less attention has been given to the ways in which refugee lives are regulated within non-Western contexts, even though the majority of refugees continue to reside in them. How do non-western countries, often financially strapped themselves, host thousands of guests for protracted periods of time? How do different levels of the state, from the local to the national, mediate the relationships between hosts and guests? I look at privatized responses to the Syrian crisis in the Middle East and how that renders the lives of refugees both precarious and informal- invisibilizing the visible, enabling simultaneously the flexibility and entrapment of refugees within host countries. In doing so, I examine the emergence of the figure of the refugee at the intersection between the global and the local. 

Speaker Biography 

Full conference program and registration information

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