Graduate Student Workshop

May 15, 2017 - May 15, 2014
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
MAC D111

Graduate Student Workshop

Mental Health & Well-being
MAC D111
1 - 2:30pm

While providing access to many learning opportunities and engaging experiences, university life can also present a lot of frustrating roadblocks and overwhelming pressures. Indeed, mental illness often strikes individuals during the years that they attend university. As a result, many students manage issues related to their mental health and well-being on a daily basis. The stigma surrounding mental health can make it difficult to ask for help however, early identification and treatment can help make a major difference in the lives of those affected. It is also recognized that graduate students face unique challenges as they are often required to find the delicate balance between life as a graduate student and working with vulnerable populations such as migrants or asylum seekers. Join us for a skill-sharing and interactive discussion related to mental health and well-being. We will also be sharing a range of resources and start working towards the More Feet on the Ground mental health training certificate.