Careers in Asia Series

February 27, 2017
03:00 PM - 04:30 AM
Student event
Sedgewick C168

Careers in Asia Series 
hosted by CAPI and the Faculty of Law 
Amplifying Local Community Voices: Accountability in International Development Finance 

Presented by Siddharth Akali 
Monday 27 February 2017 
Sedgewick C168 
(across the Ring Road from the Fraser Building) 

UVic law graduate Siddharth Akali (JD 2014) will discuss strategies employed by local communities around the world who find themselves negatively affected by internationally financed development projects. He will focus on one particular strategy that communities can access: filling a complaint with non-judicial (i.e. not court) complaint offices (also called accountability mechanisms, or grievance mechanisms). Siddharth will share some experiences from Accountability Coun-sel's Nepal and Assam cases, where communities affected by World Bank Group funded projects are defending their rights despite challenging ground realities. This will be an interactive and discussion-oriented session and Siddharth would be pleased to discuss how his law background led him to his current career path. 

Siddharth Akali
Siddharth works as a South Asia Consultant for Accountability Counsel, a San-Francisco based NGO, that amplifies the voice of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. Previously, he has practiced Aboriginal law and health law in Vancouver, unceded Coast Sailish Territories, and has worked as an energy and environmental con-sultant to banks, energy companies, across the US and Canada. Siddharth is also a Board Member of BankTrack, an international tracking, campaign-ing and NGO support organisation focused on private sector commercial banks and the activities they finance. 

CAPI Communications