5 Minute Highlights: Early Career Researchers Edition

Please mark your calendar for the second event in our new series highlights interdisciplinary research within CAMTEC. 

Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Time: 12:30 - 1:50 pm

Format: Six presenters will give a 5 minute presentation on an aspect of their work.  There will be 3 presentations, 15 minutes for questions, 3 more presentations, 15 more minutes for questions.

Presenters: Arthur Blackburn, Heather Buckley, Katherine Elvira, Makhsud Saidaminov, Levi Smith, and Xuekui Zhang

Who’s invited:  All CAMTEC members and the wider campus community.  Feel free to pass this along.

Via Zoom (Please contact Peggy for the zoom link.)