Affiliation Materials

CAMTEC Members:  Please remember to acknowledge the Centre on your papers, articles, posters, etc.


Publications and CAMTEC affiliation 

Here is a short set of instructions on how to publish your work if you are a CAMTEC member:

  1. List your own Departmental address as your first affiliation: “Department of XXX, University of Victoria, address, etc")
  2. Add a second affiliation as follows: “Centre for Advanced Materials and Related Technology (CAMTEC), University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2, Canada"
  3. Please thank CAMTEC facilities and/or specific staff members by name in the acknowledgements section, as you deem appropriate.

(Note that an acknowledgement as in point 3 is an excellent idea, but is not sufficient to meet the needs of the Centre… outsiders are applying bibliometric analyses to CAMTEC more and more, and the databases only know about your affiliation, not the acknowledgements sections.)


Vertical logo in colour

Vertical logo in black & white

Horizontal logo in colour

Horizontal logo in black & white