e-Newsletter March 31st, 2015

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NEARBC NewsLine: Latest Headlines

The University of Winnipeg approves mandatory Indigenous course requirement
Read full article here 

Light-skinned Indigenous people face discrimination: Michelle Lovegrove
Read full article here 

Heenetiineyoo3eihiiho' (Language Healers)
Brian McDermott has recently directed and produced a 40-minute documentary film entitled Heenetiineyoo3eihiiho' (Language Healers). Language Healers tells the story of Native Americans who are striving to revitalize their languages and cultures. From Alaska to Oklahoma and Wisconsin to Montana, we witness stories about the importance of saving Native languages and meet some of the people who are working hard to heal these national treasures. Please see here to see a trailer and for more details on purchasing the DVD. 

Statisitics Canada releases the public-use micro data file (PUMF) for the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey
The APS is a national survey on the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal people (First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit) aged six years and older. It is designed to identify the needs of Aboriginal people and focus on issues such as education, employment, health, language , income, housing and mobility. Please see here for more information on accessing this product. 

Statistics Canada releases “school mobility and educational outcomes of off-reserve First Nations students, 2012”.
This study is based on data from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). Among other findings, the study reports that off-reserve First Nations students, who had changed schools once, outside of a regular academic progression, were more likely to have repeated a grade than those who had not changed schools or who had one regular academic progression move. Read full study here.

IJIH Call for Papers for a Special Thematic Issue in partnership with the FNHA
The International Journal of Indigenous Health (IJIH), in collaborative partnership with the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), is pleased to announce a call for submissions for publication in the 2015 Special Thematic Issue on “Wellness-Based Indigenous Health Interventions”.  Please see here for the Call for Papers. 

Kahwa:tsire- Aboriginal Health Community Steering Committee formed in response to CIHR’s recent exclusion of Aboriginal Health in Review
Read more about Kawa:tsire here

Events & Training Calendar

Preparing and Preserving Traditional Medicines
Date: April 2
Location: Live webinar
More information 

Residential School Survivor’s Birthday Celebration
Date: April 4
Location: Port Hardy, BC
More information 

Film screening- Behind Closed Doors: Children Who Witness Domestic Violence
Date: April 23
Location: Victoria, BC
More information 

Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey VII
Date: May5-7
Location: Vancouver, BC
More information

Indigenous Men's Gathering 
Date: May 4-5
Location: Victoria, BC
More information
Call for presenters

Indigenous Women's Gathering 
Date: May 6-7
Location: Victoria, BC
More information
Call for presenters

Sharing Our Wisdom: A Holistic Aboriginal Health Initiative
Date: May 20
Location: UBC, Vancouver
More information 

Carleton University Institute on the Ethics of Research with Indigenous People
Date: June 8-12, 2015
Location: Ottawa, ON
More Information

CAAN 17th Annual General Meeting- Wise Practices V
Date: July 17-18
Location: Vancouver, BC
More information

Aboriginal Cultural Festival
Date: July 19-21
Location: Victoria, BC
More information

Aboriginal Disability and Wellness Gathering
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
Location: Victoria, BC
Date: December 2015
More information

Funding Opportunities

Health Sciences Association of British Columbia Aboriginal Bursary Award
Two $1,000 bursaries are open to Aboriginal students from BC who are continuing or proceeding in any HSA-related field leading to a recognized certification, degree or diploma at a public college, university or other post-secondary educational institution. Preference will be given to studies undertaken at a BC institution. More information here

Heroes of Our Time Scholarships 2015
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) has sponsored the Heroes of Our Time scholarships to recognize the hard work, dedication and academic achievements of First Nations post-secondary students who demonstrate excellence in a variety of categories. The scholarships are divided into eight categories that represent eight First Nations heroes and academic disciplines, each with a value of $2,000. The scholarships are made possible through the sponsorship of the RBC Foundation. Please apply by April 7, 2015. More information here

Indigenous Learning Pathways to Prevention Fund
Under the guidance of the Indigenous Research Steering Committee, the OHTN is piloting a new program for Ontario Indigenous post-secondary students to partner on a research project or proposal with Ontario-based Indigenous health or community agencies. Two awards of up to $30,000 will be available this year.  For more information about this new program, please visit the OHTN’s News page or contact Jessica Demeria, OHTN Coordinator of Indigenous Research Initiatives, at jdemeria@ohtn.on.ca.

Knowledge Synthesis Grant
CUHR is now offering a spring 2015 Knowledge Synthesis Grant competition to continue piloting design elements related to the reforms of the Open Suite of Programs and peer review process. Please apply by May 15, 2015. More information here. 

Catalyst Grant: HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research
CIHR is offering seed money, for up to one year, to support VIV/AIDS Community-based research activities which represent a first step towards the pursuit of more comprehensive funding opportunities. Please apply by April 15. More information here. 

Research Proposal Development Program (RPDP)
The AHA Centre has the Research Proposal Development Program (RPDP). The purpose of the RPDP is to assist communities, organizations, and students interested in carrying out a research project, but who do not have the resources (human and/or financial) to prepare a proposal that will be submitted to a grant competition: CIHR or the NEAR Centers, for example. More information here.

Aboriginal Arts & Stories Contest
Aboriginal youth aged 11-29 are invited to submit a piece of artwork or creative writing for a chance towin yp to $2,000 and have their arework exhibited or writing published in Canada’s History Magazine. More information here.  

First Citizens Fund: Elder Transportation
The First Citizens Fund has provided an opportunity for partial funding to Elders for travel costs related to the 39th Annual Elders Gathering 2015 hosted by Tsawout Nation. More information.

CAAN Small Grants
Seed funding for proposal development which highlights political, economic, health services, and social inequalities faced by Aboriginal peoples living with and affected by HIV. See the call for applications.

Emergency Bursary Funds for Indigenous Students
Emergency Bursary Funds are intended to offer Indigenous students with one-time financial assistance in the event of an unforeseen emergency or circumstance while attending the University of Victoria. For more information, see the poster and website.

Aboriginal Scholarship Guide
Provides links to scholarship opportunities. See the website

Job Opportunities

Aboriginal Infant Development Worker
Location: Terrace, BC
Deadline: April  7
Job Description 

Youth Program Attendant
Songhees Nation
Location: Victoria, BC
Deadline: April 10
Job Description

IJIH Copy Editor
Location: Canada
Deadline: April 24
Job Description

IJIH Editorial Assistant
Location: Victoria, BC
Deadline: April 24
Job Description

BC Public Service Aboriginal Youth Internship
Location: Multiple locations
Deadline: May 1
Job Description

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Health
Laurentian University
Location: Sudbury, ON
Deadline: June 1
Job Description

First Nations Health Authority Chair in Heart Health and Wellness
Location: Vancouver, BC
Deadline: Open until filled
More information 

Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Coordinator
Location: Westbank, BC
Deadline: Open until filled
Job Description 

Aboriginal Patient Advocate
Location: Vancouver, BC
Deadline: Open until filled
Job Description 

Facilitator- Aboriginal Cultural Competency Program
Provincial Health Services Authority
Location: Vancouver, BC
Deadline: Open until filled
Job Description

Other: See FNHA siteManitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre, and Carrier Sekani Family Services.

Resources and Unique Opportunities

Digital Storytelling for Community-Based Public Health
The Center for Digital Storytelling has been supporting academics, educators, and advocates in understanding how first person narrative and digital media production can advance a broad range of public health and social justice goals. They are putting on a five-part webinar series, with two-hour sessions offered every other month, from April through December. To join, please sign up here. 

Opportunity to participate in a UVic Faculty of Social Sciences research study
Dr. Donna Feir and Dr. Louise Chim are from the faculty of Social Sciences. They are interested in how Indigenous students experience historical events and relate this to their identity and behaviour.  The study will only take an hour of your time and to thank you, we will give you a gift of 25 dollars or 2 research participation credits as well as the opportunity to see the final research you helped create. If you choose to participate, you will complete surveys that ask you about your personality, values, and demographic information, read a few written passages, and complete verbal and cognitive tasks. A written debriefing statement will be provided at the end of the session. This study has received approval from the Human Research Ethics office at the University of Victoria. If interested, plus contact us through econstudy@uvic.ca.​

LE,NONET Campus Cousins
LE,NONET is calling all Indigenous students who are returning to UVic in September 2015 to volunteer as a Campus Cousin. The aim of this program is to provide a positive and welcoming experience for Indigenous students accessing, exploring and transitioning to the University of Vicotira. Please apply by April 17. More information here.

The 2nd Annual First Nations Health Leadership Challenge
The First Nations Health Council challenges all BC First Nations to sign up to compete alongside our leadership for most steps, distance, and active minutes.  Registrants must be participating on behalf of a community to be eligible for quarterly and the grand prize, which will awarded at Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey VII.  Please see here to register

UBC Summer Science Program 2015
Applications to the UBC Summer Science program is open to all Indigenous high school students in grades 8-11 who are interested in learning about possible careers in health and sciences while experiencing life as a university student at the UBC Vancouver capus. Please apply by April 15. More information here.

Indigenous Writing Tutor
University of Victoria
The office of Indigenous Affairs at the University of Victoria offers a free service for Indigenous students who would like assistance with their writing assignments. More information here. 

Online Course: Indigenous Child and Youth Health in Canada
The goal of this course is to give a basic overview of the important aspects of the health of Indigenous children and youth in Canada. It is intended for medical students, residents, family physicians, pediatricians, or any other health care provider who cares for indigenous children. See the website

Regional Leader Training Sessions
Designed to bring together community leaders and individuals who are passionate about supporting health and wellness, a series of five annual regionally based Leader Training Sessions are delivered in partnership with the Aboriginal Sport, Recreation & Physical Activity Partners Council and SportMedBC. See the website

Counselling for Indigenous Students, UVic Counselling Services
Read more information about the counselling services. They also offer groups and workshops

New data resources available
In the months since its launch FNIGC Data Online has grown to include nearly 80 charts, tables and graphs about First Nations people and communities. This includes information about employment, education, First Nations languages, internet access, income and environment. See the FNIGC website

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