
The following is a list of publications such as journal papers, conference papers, posters, theses, and other works that use images or data obtained at the Advanced Microscopy Facility.

Refereed articles


Non refereed articles

Other media projects

Refereed articles

Conference proceedings


Other media projects

  • James Tyrwhitt-Drake, 230 megapixel SEM image of marine diatom, on Gigapan.
  • James Tyrwhitt-Drake, Inside a neuron, on Gigapan.
  • James Tyrwhitt-Drake, Inside a neuron (colorized), on Gigapan.

Refereed articles

Conference proceedings




  • Y. Pang and R. Gordon, System for Trapping and Modifying Single Protein Molecules Using a Double Nanohole Structure, USPTO Patent Application 61/682,642, filed August 13, 2012.
  • James Tyrwhitt-Drake has made an animated GIF, zooming into a sample on the S-4800 SEM. The sample is a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod.

Refereed articles

Conference proceedings


  • Mihalynuk, M.G., Ambrose, T.K., Devine, F.A.M. and Johnston, S.T., Atlin Placer Gold Nuggets Containing Mineral and Rock Matter: Implications for Lode Gold Exploration, Geological Fieldwork 2010, Paper 2011-1, pp 65-72, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Canada.

Refereed articles

Refereed articles