Neuroscience Graduate Student Association seeks support on Giving Tuesday

The Neuroscience Graduate Student Association (NGSA) is asking for your support on Giving Tuesday, November 28.

Giving Tuesday is a global celebration of generosity and philanthropy. At UVic and in the Division of Medical Sciences, Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, community, and alumni to support causes that strengthen programs and communities across campus.

The NGSA is one of this year’s featured funds at UVic. “Donations to the association sponsor invaluable learning and social opportunities that strengthen the network supporting UVic neuroscience graduate students of all expertise levels,” writes the NGSA executive team. “From sponsoring enlightening talks by industry leaders to fun bonding activities that foster a sense of camaraderie, your contributions allow us to pave the way to the shared growth and excellence of our peers.”

Sophia Loewen, a second-year master’s student in the Neuroscience Graduate Program and a current member of the NGSA executive, says the events put on by the association make her feel welcomed in the program and give her opportunities to improve her scientific skills in fun, low-stress environments. She’s gone on to use these skills when presenting her research at international conferences, furthering her work and career.

There are several ways you can donate to the NGSA on Giving Tuesday:


The NGSA will use funds donated on Giving Tuesday to host invaluable relationship-building activities that connect its members with peers, professors, and professionals.