University of Victoria Legacy Art Galleries stands in solidarity of activism locally and across the world in efforts to fight systemic racism

Legacy's solidarity statement written in white text against a black background

We cannot stand by as George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Breonna Taylor, Eisha Hudson, Tony McDade, Chantel Moore and the countless others across Turtle Island are failed by the Justice system.

Legacy is committed to being a space for dialogue related to racism and other societal issues that matter. Museums and galleries are not neutral. They enforce power structures specifically because of who they include and who they exclude. Our team is taking time to reflect on actions Legacy will be taking to break this cycle.

In the meantime, we ask our audiences to self-educate and work at learning how to be anti-racist. Below are some organizations and individuals doing important work:

Colourqoded Collective
Victoria Native Friendship Centre
Vancouver Island Community Relief Fund
UVic Students of Colour Collective
Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour
Primary Colours / Couleurs Primaires

Black Legal Action Centre
Black Lives Matter Vancouver