Rita Kaur Dhamoon

Rita Kaur Dhamoon
Assistant Professor
Political Science


Office: DTB A339

Rita Kaur Dhamoon received her BA (Politics with Social Administration) from the University of Loughborough, UK, and MA (British Politics) at the University of Essex, UK. Her PhD is from UBC (2005). Before joining the University of Victoria as an Assistant Professor in 2012, she held a position at the University of the Fraser Valley (2008-12), a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Victoria (2007-08), and a Grant Notley Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta (2005-07). Her research interests have centered on issues of identity/difference politics and power, including multicultural policies and theories, culture, Canadian nation-building, gender politics and feminism, intersectionality, critical race studies, post-colonial and anti-colonial politics, democratic politics. As well as journal articles and book chapters, she has published a book called Identity/Difference Politics: How Difference is Produced and Why it Matters (UBC Press, 2009), and co-edited a book on Sexual Justice/Cultural Justice: Critical Perspectives in Theory and Practice with Barbara Arneil, Monique Deveaux, and Avigail Eisenberg (Routledge, 2007). Her current research program is grounded in anti-racist feminism, and includes a book project on Sikhs in Canada and critiques of nation-building; and research on intersectionality and solidarity politics between people of colour and Indigenous people.