UVic Medieval Workshop: Jan 31st

Title: When Books Were Burned: Medieval Condemnations and Intellectual Freedom

Dr. Margaret Cameron, Philosophy, UVic

Saturday, Jan 31st at 10:00am

We have always been intrigued by scholars who have had their ideas condemned and their writings forcibly burned. Two such episodes from the medieval period are well-known: Peter Abelard's terrible misfortunes and the repercussions of the Condemnations of 1277, especially for Siger of Brabant. Both were condemned and their books were burned. This presentation examines these two events and their grip on our historical imagination. As we will see, our changing views on intellectual freedom alter the ways in which we depict and evaluate these events.

UVic Medieval Workshop: Burnt at the Stake
January 31, 2015 9-4:30
Registration required
CURRENT UVIC STUDENTS: Please call 250-472-4747 to register at the student rate.