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Inclusive Learning: Accommodation Statement for the School of Social Work

The UVic School of Social Work is committed to creating a supportive, welcoming and inclusive classroom that aims to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities within both the virtual and face-to-face learning environment. We aim to create a learning context that recognizes different learning styles and needs.

It is the School of Social Work’s expectation that students meet the established criteria in each course in our professional program. The School of Social Work appreciates that students may require specific academic accommodation. Some examples of where accommodation may be necessary include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Disability related (e.g. physical, emotional, intellectual, developmental, psychological and/or learning disabilities);
  • Medical and/or life emergencies (e.g. sudden illnesses, accidents, death in the family, etc);
  • Environmental sensitivities (e.g. allergies to chemical, perfumes and/or dust, sensitivities to light and/or noise levels, etc);
  • Caregiving responsibilities (e.g. responsibilities with caring for children, partners, immediate and/or extended family members, etc)
  • Cultural and/or religious observances

If you have particular needs around your learning, please speak with your faculty advisor, your instructor, and/or the Centre for Accessible Learning about how to make this the best learning opportunity. Accommodations provided will be done in a respectful manner that protects the individual’s self-respect, privacy, comfort and autonomy. Information shared with the instructor will be held confidential as required under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act unless the student provides consent to release information.

Please familiarize yourself with School of Social Work’s following policies:

** If during the course of supporting a student with an accommodation need an instructor receives information that would lead a reasonable person to believe there is a serious risk to the health, safety or welfare of any person they have a duty to share this information with the appropriate authorities.

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