Professional & undergraduate FAQ

Which programs are on-campus and which are online?

Can I study part-time?

The undergraduate professional certificate and diploma programs can be done part-time.

What is the minimum acceptable GPA for entry?

Applicants to the professional specialization certificates require work experience and a bachelor’s degree.

Applicants to the diploma programs require work experience and should have the equivalent of two years of post-secondary education.

How are applications assessed?

For diploma and professional specialization certificate programs, you are normally admissible if you meet the academic and work experience requirements. 

How much does it cost to complete the program?

All School of Public Administration courses are 1.5 units. Part-time students pay fees per term, per credit unit. Get tuition information.

How much work is involved?

You should plan to spend 10-15 hours per week on each course. This is a sizeable time commitment and you'll need good time management skills to assure success.

Are scholarships offered?

As most people study these programs part-time, they are not eligible for scholarships. However, if you work in local government you should check with the Board of Examiners for scholarships or seek reimbursement for tuition from your employer.

How are the courses delivered?

We use Brightspace to deliver our online courses. Using Brightspace, you will:

  • review your course notes
  • join discussion forums
  • submit your assignments
  • keep track of your grades
  • link to online readings

For some courses, you will meet fellow students online for a seminar or discussion. Other course materials can include text notes, Powerpoint presentations, streaming audio, video or audio podcasts and online debate tools.

How will I ask questions?

All methods of communication are possible within Brightspace: email, text messaging or phone.

You can ask questions as part of the weekly online dialogue that shapes most online courses. If you would like to discuss an issue privately, you can email or phone the instructor.

How are exams administered?

Typically, there are no exams in our online programs. Grades are mostly based on written assignments and online participation.

How long will I be online for each course?

It depends on the subject matter, course material and your habits and preferences. Some courses might require 8-10 hours per week, while others may require 10-15 hours per week.

Are there particular times that I will be expected to be online?

In most instances, courses are delivered asynchronously, meaning that you can do the work anytime you want as long as you meet submission deadlines.

There are a few courses that may require online meetings (e.g., to present group projects). These are scheduled well in advance and at a time that will be reasonable for most students.