Grid of 13 experts on International Women's Day against a purple background.

International Women's Day

Check out our UVic experts on International Women’s Day and research on women’s/gender studies.

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UVic President, Kevin Hall

Pink Shirt Day 2024

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Pink Shirt Day 2024
10 Vanier and Banting research award recipients

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UVic researchers awarded seven Vanier scholarships and three Banting fellowships in 2023, spearheading diverse research projects for next three years.

Research news
Spanish polar research vessel, BIO Hespérides

New Antarctic Ocean observatory

Canadian and European experts in polar observation are joining forces in a new partnership that will see ONC operating a subsea observatory at the Spanish Antarctic Station. Photo credit: Christopher Michel.

UVic news
Exterior shot of Cheko’nien House and Sngequ House

UVic’s new residence complex

Two new residences—Čeqʷəŋín ʔéʔləŋ (Cheko’nien House) and Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House)—provide much-needed student housing, as well as new academic and social space to help students live a full, fun and experience-rich life at UVic.

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Celebrating 60 years

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UVic news

Low-harm cancer treatment


- Alf Wilson

Even though gold is yellow, when made into the nanoparticles Chithrani is holding, it appears as a red wine colour. Credit: UVic Photo Services

UVic research on gold nanoparticles could make cancer treatments more effective—and easier on patients.

Intravenous chemotherapy cancer treatments come with a host of unpleasant side effects. Cancer-fighting drugs are delivered via the bloodstream, impacting systems throughout the entire body, with only 0.1 per cent reaching cancer cells. Even a targeted treatment like X-ray therapy is often paired with chemotherapy, increasing side effects. UVic medical physicist professor Devika Chithrani aims to change this. 

After completing her PhD in quantum physics, Chithrani took a risk, switching to post-doctoral research in biomedical nanotechnology. She investigated a then-new technique: inserting gold nanoparticles (GNPs) into cells to enhance X-ray therapy. 

When X-rays collide with gold atoms additional electrons are released, increasing the damage to GNP-containing cancer cells. Chithrani narrowed in on the optimal gold nanoparticle size for cellular uptake, and published it in a 2006 paper, which has been referenced by other health researchers over 5,300 times—and counting. 

To say Chithrani enjoys her work is an understatement. “It doesn’t feel like work— this is like my hobby!” 

Chithrani’s group recently found extremely promising results using the chemotherapy drug docetaxel that sensitizes cancerous cells to radiation. Chithrani and her industry partner, Chris Tam of Integrated Nanotherapeutics, collaborated to target delivery by placing docetaxel in submicroscopic fat balls called lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). 

Unlike normal blood vessels, fast-growing tumors are leaky. So, tumors preferentially absorb and retain LNPs. Chithrani also discovered that docetaxel pulls GNPs towards cancer cell nuclei—right where it can best enhance radiation treatments. Next, Chithrani plans to encapsulate both docetaxel and GNPs within LNPs.

The Nanomedicines Innovation Network awarded Chithrani two grants, funded by Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program, to improve delivery, targeting and activation of chemotherapeutic drugs while decreasing side effects. Chithrani was awarded $200,000 to research a nanomedical approach to pancreatic-cancer radiation therapy. 

A second grant, to use radiation to trigger the release of LNP payloads only at tumor sites for head and neck carcinomas, is a collaboration with UBC molecular biologist Pieter Cullis—known for encapsulating m-RNA in LNPs for covid-19 vaccines.

Chithrani’s work is highly collaborative, and she chooses to avoid competitive aspects. 

“I collaborate with many institutes: BC Cancer (Vancouver and Victoria), Mayo clinic (Florida), Maryland School of Medicine (Washington), McGovern Medical School (Texas). It’s not about who’s going to win here. It’s about how/what can we do here.” 

While precious-metal therapy may sound pricey, Chithrani notes that even a gold-standard treatment must be cost effective. 

“What will be the expense per patient? This is important—we want to build something, but we must keep the healthcare system cost low. We estimate a complete six-week treatment would require less than $200 in gold.” 

Chithrani is also interested in the environmental impact of cancer therapies. The efficiency and effectiveness of treatments arising from her research could reduce the amount of time people require medical interventions. “I really believe this kind of treatment can be more environmentally friendly.” 

And Chithrani isn’t focussed solely on her impressive research program. She insists on teaching first- and second-year physics classes, where she can reach more students and have the most impact inspiring the next generation of scientists. Chithrani developed an introduction to biomedical physics course at UVic and was recently nominated for the UVic Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Award. 

“I want to encourage those early students—really get them thinking critically! If you want to be recognized, you must achieve something. So, I ask them ‘What is your next level? How can you move yourself up?’” 


In this story

Keywords: cancer, research, health, nanotechnology, physics

People: Devika Chithrani

Publication: knowlEDGE

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