Bob Wright

Student Stephanie Korolyk by the ocean
Wright passes on his love and respect for the ocean through students like Stephanie Korolyk.

The less told story of the $11 million gift from local “gumboot fisherman”

As one of the University of Victoria’s most iconic buildings, the Bob Wright Centre highlights the university's status as a global centre of excellence in ocean, earth and atmospheric research. It is a fitting tribute to the man whose vision and generosity made it possible. The self-described “gumboot fisherman”, who founded Oak Bay Marine Group, made a life and a living from the ocean.

Bob Wright decided he wanted to create a meaningful legacy by supporting the study of ocean and atmospheric sciences at UVic. When former president David Turpin asked for Bob’s help for a new dedicated science building it didn’t take him long to make up his mind.

Turpin recalls Bob’s phone call clearly: “He said ‘Dave, I’d like to help but I’m not going to give you $10 million. I’m willing to give you $11 million—$10 million for the building and $1 million for student scholarships.’” The tremendous impact of these scholarships is the less told story of Wright’s historic gift to UVic.

The ripple effect of funding marine research

Bob valued the education of the many UVic students and alumni who worked with the Oak Bay Marine Group over the years. By establishing scholarships in marine sciences, Bob wanted to help more students experience the benefits of a UVic education and encourage their interest in oceans. Before his death in 2013, he took the time to meet with and learn about the research of each “Wright scholar”.

Because the $1 million donation was endowed, the fund continues to grow while it supports multiple undergraduate and graduate awards each year. To date, the fund has disbursed 49 awards totalling $337,500. It’s a substantial well of funding for students studying marine sciences at UVic. 

Bob Wright

Fourth year marine biology and environmental studies student Stephanie Korolyk feels it’s an honour to include this prestigious scholarship on her list of achievements. Stephanie spent her childhood exploring tide pools and beaches along the coast and, like many other Wright scholars, she shares her passion for the ocean with others whenever she can.

Through these scholarships, Wright’s donation ensures that there will always be educated students and graduates working to save the ocean that brought him such happiness and fortune.