Linnea Turnquist

Linnea and Vanessa
Linnea Turnquist feels strongly about giving back and making a difference in the community and is thrilled to be a part of the UVic legacy through her generous contribution.

On March 31, 2016, alumna and former Vikes rower, Linnea Turnquist, spoke at the opening of the Gwynne Studio in CARSA.

“Today is a really exciting day for me and my daughter Vanessa, as this gift to the University of Victoria represents our way of honouring the past, the present and the future.

“Honouring the past is for my mom and dad, who both passed away at a young age. We wanted my parents to have a marker to celebrate their lives other than a gravestone; and we wanted it to be a place that held special meaning and one that represented youth, vitality and possibility.

“It is our hope that the Gwynne Studio will serve as a catalyst for innovative recreational programming that invites all members of the UVic community to participate in a healthy lifestyle. We also hope it will help students build a bridge between mental and physical wellness so that they can truly achieve their personal potential. There is a word cloud inside the studio that Vanessa and I created along with the help of the Student Mental Health Committee and we hope that everyone who comes into the studio can find a connection with at least one of these words.

“One of my most important learnings in life so far, is to be a participant in your own life, rather than one who sits on the sidelines and waits for life to happen to you. When you go inside the studio, you’ll see a watercolour I painted recently. It is far from perfect and I am sure many people will wonder how it made it up on the wall, but it is meant to remind students that you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be willing. Live your life in the present, take a risk and be proud of what you do, regardless of what others may think.

“As for honouring the future, when I look at Vanessa I see a world of possibility waiting for her to explore. The years I spent at UVic were some of the best of my life and they set me on a path of lifelong exploration in many ways. Giving back has always been part of this path and I wanted to set an example that giving a gift and making a difference shouldn’t wait until you’re at the end of your life. Give what you can when you can and enjoy watching others benefit from your gift.”

A plaque on the wall of the studio commemorates the gift:

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” - Christopher Reeve
The Gwynne Studio is dedicated to all students, faculty, staff and members of the UVic community wanting to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Our hope is that the Gwynne Studio provides a space for personal exploration, positive energy and inspiration for all. Whether you are just starting on, or are already enjoying, a path towards a healthy mind, body and spirit, please know that you belong here. The Gwynne Studio is named in memory of Gaylard and Eleanor Turnquist and a very special place: their family farm in Gwynne, Alberta. May they be remembered as loving parents and grandparents, models of kindness and strength and lifelong advocates of truth, knowledge and perseverance. They were heroes.
- Linnea Turnquist (UVic ’92) and family