CIVE 400 Capstone 2022-23

by Ivan Watson

Congratulations to our Civil Engineering students on their incredible capstone projects!

On April 5, Civil Engineering Capstone projects were presented in a new and exciting competitive showcase format at the Victoria International Marina.

“The goal of the new approach this year was to give our students an exciting, real-world experience,” explains Professor and Engineer Monty Raisinghani, who teaches the CIVE 400 capstone course. “Our program teaches top level technical engineering skills while also equipping students with the soft skills and knowledge to excel as leaders in their careers.”

There were 14 student teams at the showcase, the room was packed with guests and industry partners and Raisinghani estimates the collective efforts of all the students totaled over 300 hours of hard work and dedication.

“One of the biggest things we did as a group was focused on working as a team and promoting the importance of organizational effectiveness in our work,” he says. “I really want to recognize and celebrate the incredible efforts put into these projects which are great stepping stones to successful careers in industry. Looking ahead, I am very excited to see the impact that our new graduates will make in the world as they embark on their professional journeys post-degree.”

A huge thank you to generous sponsors: Butler Concrete & Aggregate Ltd (Gold), RAM Consulting (Silver), Glotman-Simpson (Bronze) and Turner (Networking Sponsor) who made the event possible and donated the funds to award cash honorarium prizes to the top three student teams at the showcase.

The judges were impressed with all the teams and awarded the top three prizes as follows: Bunt and Associates—Roundabout, with NEXTGEN Consulting (first prize), Mann Group with KARMGP consultants (second prize), and UVic Seismic Club with Seismic Solutions (third prize).

We’ve posted a photo gallery of event highlights on Flickr (photographer Armando Tura)